Shirley: Eleanor asked if we would answer this question. I’m happy to answer some questions form time to time. Contact us to leave us yours. Genuine questions only please!
Q: “I’m trying to reconcile my religious upbringing with some of other beliefs and I just can’t believe that we are born sinful. So can you please answer, what is sin and are we really sinful? Thank you! Love Eleanor.”
Sin- what is it and are we sinful?
Q: What is Sin?
Jesus with Shirley Answers:
Sin is when man causes harm to himself or another by going against his true nature, which is love, compassion and oneness with all that is. It’s a manifestation of that which is designed by man through greed or desire to bring about the destruction or injury of their own, or another’s physical, emotional or spiritual wellbeing. Examples of sin were given to those of you who could hear the words of god as guidance to safeguard you against annihilation of one another.
Q: If we are our own creators and extensions of God, who is pure love, how can we be sinful?
Jesus with Shirley Answers:
You are not sinful, but when separation occurs between you and your true nature your essence or soul it’s difficult for you to see yourself in anyone or anything else, therefore denying yourself this truth makes it easy for you to act consciously or subconsciously in unloving and destructive ways.
TMichael: Tracey submitted the following questions. Your sincere questions are welcome and I’ll do my best to include them in a conversation for publication from time to time.
Reader’s question: sin
Q: Tracey N. asks:
“My counsellor has directed me to some books. In one, they talk about Adam and Eve’s fall from grace in the Garden of Eden and how this changed everything for future humanity-we became sinners and “since the Fall”, we come out of the womb empty, terrified and isolated. I have a hard time grasping this concept of sin/sinners, etc. How one “selfish” action created problems for all that follow. If we are our own creators and extensions of God, who is pure love, how is this possible?”
A: Maitreya answers:
This is the classical Christian story. It’s not so easily dismissed because it is not entirely false, yet it is so greatly simplified as to be misleading. This is a great problem for humanity, it’s teachers and those who have sincere questions and longing for truthful answers. No human can know the answers for certain. Only those on the spiritual side know what occurred during the time of Adam and Eve, and know whether or not there are demons and devils. And yet there seems to be no relief from the questions and speculative answers. The chief longing is to have answers that can be recognized as certain truth.
I’m afraid the truth will remain as it is, a mystery until such time as each human is someday on the other side and can see the answers free from the constraints of time. That won’t be much comfort for someone who believes that knowing the truth will help guide her life today.
Is it necessary to know in order to live a life beautifully? If devils and demons exist to terrorize humans, then what is a human’s defense against harm? To hire a priest or minister who claims falsely to know a demon’s nature and exorcise them?
Do you need to know that your original parents sinned by disobeying God and therefore all offspring forever are doomed to be visited by punishment for that sin?
The questions are directed at the wrong line of inquiry. Instead of seeking to explain why there is misery and disappointment in your life, seek instead to find joy and accept that misery and disappointment are your teacher, i.e. an alternate state. Understanding why something exists in a state doesn’t always guarantee a remedy for change. This may sound harsh and uncaring for a person’s misery and heartbreak, but it is not. A person can get stuck going in circles by asking the wrong questions and listening to answers from the wrong sources.
That in and of itself may sound fatalistic too. A dead end of sorts where one is left without a turnaround, a way out. There are only a few knowledgeable humans on Earth at this time who could begin to tell you what you are asking and they are secluded. Even so, if you spoke to them you’d be disappointed in their answers, because they would require a comprehension beyond your own capacity to grasp.
Seek your inner guidance and counsel on these matters. That is not to mean to say that you won’t have times in your life when another can help you through a situation through counseling. Focus your thought and inquiry on where you want to be, not on the presumed obstacles blocking your way.
What Jesus and Buddha want to say about life today