What Happens When You Lose Your Mind

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MJ: What happens to people when they lose their minds? It is an ancient status to ponder. Man has always questioned his sanity. Any given day he could become insane. Any given day he could regard himself as lost.

Oftentimes it is preceded by an emotional state of depression, despair or anxiety. Any of these things can trigger that feeling, that question that says, “Am I okay?”. Am I sane or insane?

This question is not lost on the soul. The soul represents to the personality a certain point of choosing, at that fork in the road to choose unity or disintegration.

This is the process and we have spoken of it before in conversations about integration and disintegration. It is a cyclic change that is meant to refine. If you can think of the human consciousness—personality, soul, spirit combination, as a refinery for experience that produces wisdom and knowledge.

It’s a learning exercise to be in human form and human consciousness on Earth. It requires a synthesis. It also requires the ability to disintegrate and reintegrate. The two great changes that occur—integration and disintegration allow this refinery process to purify the essence of what is love-wisdom. Love-wisdom is the term that reflects the heart-mind connection. 

It’s this connection, the two in tandem that produces the wisdom by which one can live. The wisdom reflects ease and simplicity. The higher the wisdom, the more refined the process. Applying that wisdom resolves into the easy. In response to that will be the simple choices that facilitate the easy way.