Category Archives: Nature

Heed The Murmurings: Jesus with Zoe

Heed the Murmurings,…jesus-with-zoe/ ‎
Heed the Murmourings

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Heed The Murmurings

Jesus: So you think you can do this on your own, this life? This existence? 

You can’t.  You are all interconnected and interwoven, dependant of the well being of all, all than the one.  All of you at the day of reckoning will be held accountable to Us for your ignorance, misdemeanours and misnomers towards others.

Each of you must learn to turn the other cheek, help the stranger, love your neighbour before the ascent of your race is possible.  This is why highly evolved beings return to earth – to ease the suffering.  Thinking of the All not just the One.  The suffering tide is coming.  It will come in TV shows and books, churches, synagogues, mosques, earthquakes and hurricanes and it will ask each of you to look within and find the humanity, the strength, the willingness to help those who are weaker, more vulnerable and less able than yourselves.

For those of you who worship at the bank and in “goods” this will be shaken or taken away and a New world order, a New earth will emerge and fill the cracks, the voids in the old ones.

The prophets are in place.  The time is now.  Those that feel the move will move with it.

For those that ignore and refuse the inner murmurings (it’s in you All) there will be consequences.

Hail the new order has come and with it a new beginning, a new possibility a New Way of Being for you All.

Heed the murmurings, awake to the realities of your life and your consequential affect on the lives of others and you will hardly notice the change take place.

Resist and on your head be it.

© Zoe 2015

Quiet Time: Jesus with Zoe

Quiet Time,
Quiet time

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Quiet Time

Jesus: Quiet time is something that many of you resist or have when something’s wrong.

Quiet time can also be contemplative time.  It is a time for assessing what’s happened and what can happen.  It is a time for resolution.

Quiet time is essential for your nature.  When you were created there was not the sensory stimulus that pervades now for many of you.

Quiet time is also a time to explore faith, purpose and meaning.

This means it is a time where you can meet me.

With love, enjoy your quiet time.

© Zoe 2015

Lesson on Love Part 3: Jesus with Zoe

Lesson on Love Part 3,…jesus-with-zoe/ ‎
Lesson on love part 3

Conversations with Jesus and Zoe: Lesson on Love Part 3

Jesus: It is not easy to love in the face of adversity.  Love is a state that can be cultivated easily for it is your natural state!  It is only the stresses and fears of modern life that separates you from your love and others for your love too.

Love is not for sunshine days but for rainy days too.  (It is especially effective then.)

Learn to cultivate love in your everyday reality and come closer to me.

How do you do that?  Make it your intention to practice love throughout the day.  Pay particular attention to times when you disconnect from love (it will be a time of perceived slight) and then reconnect.

All is well.

© Zoe 2015

For Part 1 click here.

For Part 2 click here.

Resist Nothing: Buddha with Zoe

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Resist nothing

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: Resist Nothing. 

Buddha: Let me explain what this means.

For mind and mastery to be complete there needs to be a full understanding of the nature of mind; the workings of mind and the ability from that therefore to direct mind.  “Resist nothing” does not refer to earthly pleasures or deliberately indulging in squalid, dirty, self gratification states.  However, the fear that that is where the mind could take one, means that one resists certain thoughts, urges and in the resistance, one becomes unable to see what is real.  In other words the fear of what might be real creates resistance so that reality is never quite achieved albeit heavily sought by the individual.

Your mind takes you in a myriad of directions always towards the same point though: truth, honor, trust, faith, strength.  Yet this is not the experience of mind that people have.  Indeed for most mind is perpetual thinking, perpetual thoughts that take you in a myriad of directions.  When one approaches a type of thought that one identifies as ‘bad’, such as what we have already spoken about- thoughts of squalor, deprivation, etc,- one immediately sensors those thoughts. Yet where do these thoughts come from?  Why would you sensor one and not all thought? For if we were to be fully present we would be aware of the nature of our thoughts.

I will try to keep this clear on this occasion.  Mind is strength, faith, focus, union with spirit.  It is a gateway to the essence, to the soul, to God, and the God experience.  The road to this is paved and littered with thought.  These thoughts are like leaves fallen from the trees in autumn and how we choose to respond to our journey, whilst in body, is often to become distracted by the thoughts that are on the path: to the point that we become concerned only with the nature of the leaves and the nature of do we like the leaves.  And we have forgotten that the purpose of the path is to bring us to union, union with ourselves in the arms of God.  Therefore resist no leaf.  As you are dedicated to following your path- the path to you, the path to union with God – falsehood comes only from focusing and identifying and creating relationships with thought forms.  Therefore resist nothing.  Accept all and continue on your journey where we will await you.

© Zoe 2015

Faith in Spiritual Matters: Buddha with TMichael

Faith in Spiritual Matters,

Conversation with Master Buddha and TMichael: Faith

TM:  What is the nature of faith as it relates to matters spiritual or religious?

Master Buddha:  The nature of faith rests on the premise that there are things one can’t know for certain through direct observation, and so one must imagine that given a strong feeling that something must be true, then it is accepted as true.  It becomes a belief in one’s truth based upon the strong feeling.

TM:  So what we consider to be evidence of truth through direct observation of facts is not faith?

Master Buddha: Well, that is faith also to some extent, because has one ever experienced absolute proof of truth?  Can you truly say that even the things you thought you proved to yourself through direct observation have always been really true?  Have there been occasions where you observed a thing to be true and later discovered your observations were not so accurate?  There is usually some element of doubt and faith fills in the gap.

TM:  Aren’t all these considerations about truth relative to time and our progressive understanding of many things that change over time?

Master Buddha: Yes, of course.  Your understanding of truth changes as you grow to reach new understandings about yourself, others and the universe.  There is always a measure of faith thrown in to close the gaps and to bridge your doubt and what you perceive is truth in that moment.  Once you think you have reached some absolute truth, you will soon discover the illusion inherent in that notion.  It is better to say, for now I think I know the truth of this matter and I’ll take it on faith as I continue searching for new information, new knowledge, new understanding about this.

There are those people who believe in a mechanistic universe.  That there are physical laws that behave in a way that explains all the phenomena that surrounds you.  You might say that even for those believers there is a measure of faith to fill in the parts that are missing.

TM:  Some people allow more room for faith and some it seems allow less room.  But you’re saying that we all allow some room for faith regardless of our beliefs?

Master Buddha:  Yes, I’m saying that.  As science has progressed, it has revealed the vast knowledge that humanity has amassed in understanding your world.  It has also revealed the vast ignorance.  If you plot that on a time continuum you can see that the more that you know, the greater your understanding that there is so much more you don’t know.  So, you take what you know and you project a little further into the future of the possibilities of things that could be true.  That is a form of faith.  If you act upon faith by assuming the projections are true, then it is meaningful.  To speculate is to explore ideas about truth and to act upon faith that something is true is commitment.

TM:  It seems to me that people of religious and spiritual faith rely upon teachings of the past to form their foundation, which requires faith that the teachings were accurately recording and interpreted.

Master Buddha: And that the projections of those truths are applicable to humanity today.  There are many new teachings brought forth today and they are received similarly as were the teachings given long ago.  There is a resistance to new teachings by humanity, because they cling to the old ones, the ones they were taught are true.  There is a lag in time for new beliefs to be accepted.

TM:  No way around that is there?

Master Buddha:  Not likely it will change any time soon.  It is human nature and probably a good characteristic if it is moderate.

© TM 2015

Mind is Strength, Faith, Focus, Union with Spirit: Buddha with Zoe

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Mind is


Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: Mind is Strength, Faith, Focus, Union with Spirit

Buddha: Zoë, you have been hearing my words in your head, ‘resist nothing, resist nothing’ and so on. Let me explain what this means.

For mind and mastery to be complete there needs to be a full understanding of the nature of mind, the workings of mind and the ability from that therefore to direct mind. “Resist nothing” does not refer to earthly pleasures or deliberately indulging in squalid, dirty, self gratification states. However, the fear that that is where the mind could take one, means that one resists certain thoughts, urges and in the resistance, one becomes unable to see what is real. In other words, the fear of what might be real creates resistance so that reality is never quite achieved albeit heavily sought by the individual.

Your mind takes you in a myriad of directions always towards the same point though: truth, honour, trust, faith, strength. Yet this is not the experience of mind that people have. For most, ‘mind’ equates perpetual thinking; perpetual thoughts that take you in a myriad of directions. When one approaches a type of thought that one identifies as ‘bad’, such as what we have already spoken about, one immediately censors those thoughts.

Yet where do these thoughts come from? Why would you censor one and not all thought?

If we were fully present we would be aware of the nature of our thoughts and the thinking process.

I will try to keep this clear and simple on this occasion.

Mind is strength, faith, focus, union with spirit. It is a gateway to the essence, to the soul, to God, and the God experience. The road to this union is paved and littered with thought. These thoughts are like leaves fallen from the trees in autumn. How do we choose to respond to our journey whilst in body? It is often to become distracted by the thoughts that are on the path to the point that we become concerned only with the nature of the leaves and the nature of do we like the leaves. And we have forgotten that the purpose of the path is to bring us to union: union with ourselves in the arms of God. Therefore, resist no leaf. As you are dedicated to following your path, the path to you, the path to union with God, falsehood comes only from focusing and identifying and creating relationships with thought forms. Therefore, resist nothing. Accept all and continue on your journey where we will await you.

© Zoe 2015

Integration and Disintegration: Buddha with TMichael

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Integration and disintegration

Conversation with Buddha and TMichael: Integration and Disintegration

TM:  I feel like for many years I have tried to integrate my human self with my spiritual self.  At times I feel I have reached some measure of success only to witness set backs in the form of failures in my life—failures to live purely in my convictions, or failures in relationships, etc.  How can we feel one moment in the complete bliss of integration and then later as if things have become unraveled?

Master Buddha:  There is a natural progression toward integration that includes disintegration.  It’s the same as when you try to affix one object to another and the seal is not set just right.  Maybe there is debris mixed in the seal.  Maybe there are gaps in the seal.  Whether it’s obstruction or space, the seal is not complete and can be easily pried apart with the least amount of stress to one of the objects.  Your human personality and your spirit work in a similar fashion.

Once you are inspired and begin to inquire about your spiritual nature you begin to receive information about spirit.  You begin to look at your human life through a new filter.  You begin to question your life and its meaning.  This is the beginning of integration.

Recognize what is happening even in this beginning.  There is a natural disintegration of your human personality, that is, due to new, incoming information from spirit your personality begins to fragment and parts begin to modify.  Some parts you may let go—destruction.  Some parts you may transform.  But what was before is no longer the same.  Disintegration within the personality has occurred.  At the same time, integration has begun between spirit and personality.  However minute that may be, it is an integration.

There is a series of cycles of integration and disintegration that occurs.  This may go on for a period of time until the tension resolves and you conclude that you have settled on a point of integration.  That is what you describe as the point of bliss.

That state persists for some time until there is a crisis, which disturbs that state.  New tension is created and you begin the cycle of disintegration—the tension must be resolved.  Suddenly you may realize that all the beliefs you adopted in your quest for spiritual alignment where somehow off.  You shed them as a snake sheds his skin.  Now you are disintegrating your spiritual concepts.

The process is one by which personality disintegrates, spirit disintegrates, the combination of the two in relationship disintegrates and then it begins a new cycle of integration.

TM:  So when do we know we’ve reached the final point of integration?  How long will this go on?  It’s tiring and almost maddening.

MB:  It is no different really than my opening example.  It continues until you have properly removed the debris or space between the two objects of integration.

TM:  Won’t there always be things we can’t or don’t know about ourselves, personally or spiritually?

MB:  This is the great challenge of enlightenment—when do you reach that point?  Who can know, perhaps one who is fully enlightened?  But how do you know who that is if you are not fully enlightened yourself?  Is that not the basis of faith?  Faith covers the gap between what you know to be true and what you don’t know.  It is the motivation to continue, because you believe in the process.

TM:  Makes me want to give up at times and say this is bogus, a waste of time.

MB:  Yes, and for a while you might do that.  That’s a point of disintegration between your personality and your spiritual self.  When faith or belief in the process can’t be the salve to satisfy the tension, then abandonment is a choice.  That’s natural.

TM:  So, that happens, then what?  Why would I get on the treadmill again?

MB:  You may not.  You may decide to live from the perspective that your personality is all there is.  That the state of personality is all there is for everybody and that is your world.  You may find some new evidence that pushes you back into inquiry, which starts the cycle of integration and disintegration again.

TM:  I’ve done both of those things.  It’s wearing me out.

MB:  Yet it continues.  So, something within you pushes through the haze and says try again.  What pushes?

TM:  I don’t know, something happens and it starts again.  Maybe I should pay attention, but it seems like before I know it I’m inquiring again.

MB:  Well, let that be a mystery for now.  As you progress through the cycle maybe that is revealed for you.  Then it will be okay for a while until something else happens to disturb it.

TM:  So, basically you’re saying that it is a struggle forever and I’ll either engage the process or I won’t.

MB:  I’m not saying it’s a struggle forever.  I’m saying that it’s a struggle for as long as it is and that it doesn’t really matter how long it takes.  Until such time that your spiritual self can tap into its essence within your personality and transmute it into a reflection of spirit, you will go through various stages of integration and disintegration.  Your impatience may serve you to keep trying or it may persuade you to abandon the process.  Your choice.

TM:  Yeah, I always come back.

MB:  One simple truth is that you don’t really have a choice in the long run.  You can abandon the process for a while or you can push too hard and feel frustrated.  But your spiritual self is never dormant or absent.  Spirit isn’t time-constrained, as is your personality.  And that may be something you have to take upon faith.  Maybe you already accept that, but have to just not think about it for a while.  It doesn’t matter.  You will eventually resume the cycle.  That is the natural order of life on earth.

© TM 2015

It Simply Is (Part 1): Buddha with Zoe

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It simply is part 1

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe:

It Simply Is (Part 1)


Buddha: What you’ve to understand is that all is here. All is neither waiting nor ready, it simply is. This is what can be tapped into. You have been fed information about slipstream and how all exists within the slipstream below the level of conscious thought. By bringing consciousness to the fore, thought becomes secondary, and an awareness of slipstream becomes primary. Now what happens in slipstream? Different ways of being: you simply are; it simply is. All is expansion; all is contraction. All is resonance and all resonates with the beat of God. It is within this slipstream that you can tap into being one with nature; but even nature is another level to be moved through.

For, as thought presides over consciousness, for many of you nature presides over reality. Reality, I hear you say, isn’t that the domain of conscious thought? There is a truth, there is a harmony, there is an equinanimous resonance deeper than all of that. As deep as the deepest part of the sea, as wide as the widest part of space: yet it is neither space nor sea, but existing beyond form and beyond the levels of form.

Within this reality, within this stream, you will meet me. We will talk again.

So we all exist, all of us, as one but in the slipstream below the level of conscious thought. I say below for we are always there underneath the conscious thought. The conscious thought is like the interference on the television screen of old that becomes all absorbing. Imagine a person who, rather than watching the screen, begins to watch the interference around the side of the screen, and so misses the main show. This is what’s happening. The main show is missed. To some extent this has always been. However, there is more at stake within your world at the moment. Hence, my return.

So I say that we are all here existing below the level of conscious thought for if you take away conscious thought and begin to breathe, “da-da” there we are! (I do have great humor Zoe and I like to use it.)

So what do you need to do to become mindful of the show? Breathe: simple as that. This has been heard many times before and it will be heard many times after this has been recorded and typed.

Breathing, breathing, when one is conscious of breathing and one opens ones eyes life is simply happening; it just is. In this case Zoe as you have opened your eyes there are birds flying in the trees, the clouds are moving across the sky, there is traffic on the road nearby, in the reflection in the window you can see the palm trees waving in the wind. This is all simply happening; it is all simply being. Now if you were to become involved in the interference of your mind where would this go? Nowhere! It simply would continue to happen without you noticing it and what would you have missed? You would have missed being in the present in your own life. So what is the price of this? For many there is no question, the price is too high. But others choose to become involved in the interference and we move on to the subject, Zoe that we have been making you aware of, the pursuit of pleasure.

How do you feel Zoe opening your eyes, breathing?

Z: Peaceful.

MB: Yes, are you concerned?

Z: No.

MB: Are you worried?

Z: No.

MB: Are you desiring?

Z: No, not even that cup of tea.

MB: Simply by breathing and opening the eyelids. Isn’t that amazing? Now let’s put you into a different situation Zoe. Let’s put you into a busy office. Imagine one where the phones are ringing, people are talking, there’s artificial light, there is work in front of you, your in-tray is bigger than your out-tray. Imagine you sitting in this situation at your desk and picture yourself breathing and opening your eyes. How do you feel?

Z: Peaceful.

MB: What is happening around you?

Z: Life.

MB: Do you have any desires in that moment?

Z: No.

MB: Now let’s move you into a different situation- one that my forefathers are said to have experienced. Let’s put you into the middle of a battle zone. Open your eyes and breathe.

Z: Don’t know if I could do that Buddha.

MB: What would you be doing if you couldn’t do that?

Z: I would be looking around me to see if anyone is going to kill me. I wouldn’t feel I was capable of relaxing or switching off my adrenaline system. I feel I would need the heightened reality to live.

MB: Ok, what would it take for you to breathe? A God to visit you?

Z: Yes.

MB: You know the story Zoe and I know the story too. There are times when the human system is built for dealing with such stress, such chaos, and such heightened senses of the need to survive. You have, after all, evolved from the animal kingdom where this is a highly necessary part of their reality. To switch off your sensory system may involve in your own death.

© Zoe 2015

For It Simply Is Part 2 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 3 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 4 click here.

Rod of Healing: Maitreya with TMichael

Rod of healing,
Rod of healing

Background to Conversation with Maitreya and  The Rod of Healing

TMichael: As I discuss in the FAQ’s, I used this exercise along with allopathic and alternative treatment when I had cancer. Within 3-4 weeks my stage 4 cancer went into complete remission. Several people have since inquired about the rod of healing.  So I posed some questions to Maitreya after realizing I still didn’t understand very much about it even though I could attest its efficacy.

TM:  What is the rod of healing (ROH) and how does it work?

Maitreya:  It is an energy bundle that runs the length of the spine and corresponds directly with the nervous system.  The nervous system controls all of the body functions as the communications conduit and likewise does the ROH do the same to stimulate the nerves, which in turn stimulate the necessary secretions and coordination of healing properties in the body.

To activate the rod of healing one has only to recognize his or her responsibility for personal health.  This is not something that comes from outside oneself.  The body is capable of producing all the healing necessary to maintain perfect health.  The imbalances created are due to a number of factors influenced by ones disconnection with this truth from the time of infancy.  As one ages and becomes more and more focused on outside stimulation the natural healing mechanisms atrophy.  You may ask how is this so?  It’s because the channels of energy that keep the body vibrant and healthy rely upon use, and use is reliant upon awareness and knowledge of what is true about one’s nature.  There is no amount of outside diagnosis and treatment that can cover as thoroughly and intricately what the body through the informing spirit can know and do.

The rod of healing is a part of every human but lies dormant and atrophied due to lack of use because of over dependence upon outside treatment methods.  There is a real predicament however and that is that outside treatment has displaced the ROH and therefore cannot be abandoned in most cases without deleterious results for a person.  Each one will have to know his or her level of awareness and acceptance of the ROH.  Where it is low, then reliance upon outside treatment should be continued until such time as there may be a substantial shift in awareness.  Where it is high, then more reliance on the ROH is possible with good results.

TM:  So how does one activate the ROH?  Are you saying that you just have to be aware that it exists and it will work?

Maitreya:  It works when: 1) you are responsible for your own health, i.e. you are mindful of your body and what you do to it and with it; 2) you are aware that your spirit is capable of managing your good health through the ROH and the body’s healing mechanisms.  The degree of success you will have is based upon the strength of your acceptance and use of this knowledge.  It will vary by person depending on his or her place on that continuum.  It is never too late to work with it.  The success prayer groups have experienced are an example of the strength of this power.  Even though the power of prayer is external to the person receiving the healing, they activate the ROH by strengthening ones own resolve and personal spiritual power.  If your spirit is powerful enough to animate physical life you must understand that it is capable of maintaining perfect health.

TM:  So, it’s our ignorance and our seeking outside correction for poor health that prevents us from having perfect health?

Maitreya:  Yes.  And the correction for this will have to be gradual.  As more and more people experience healing from within and there are studies that can document this truth then there will be wider acceptance and use.  That’s how most things grow in proportion.  Start with where you are and grow from there.  As you have success share it with others and maybe they will do the same.

TM:  There’s no instructional manual I suppose.

Maitreya:  One isn’t needed.  Allow nature to run its course and it will preserve itself to the extent it is supposed to.  Excessive management by second-guessing the natural processes will interrupt it and sometimes produce okay results and sometimes not.  It is a lot of unnecessary work.  But again, humanity is where it is and it is not in a place to abandon its hard won medical achievements before it is ready.  Rest assured humanity is moving in this direction and will merge the application of medical technology with the natural process within the next one hundred years. As humans gaze back on this time the treatments of today will be viewed with the same amazement that one living today might view techniques used two or three hundred years ago.

© TM 2015

Anger Management: Buddha with TMichael

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Anger management

Conversation with Buddha and TMichael: Anger Management

TM: May I ask about anger and its role in our lives and relationships?  Will you begin with offering a definition of anger?

Master Buddha: What may seem obvious to most everyone is that anger is a reaction to not getting what you want when you want it or in the way you want it.  It can be your fault, or it can be someone else’s fault. The second reflex of anger is retribution or evening the score to recover what you didn’t get plus a bonus for having suffered the agony of anger and inconvenience.  There is also anger once removed, meaning on behalf of an injustice done to another for which you have a connection or affinity.  The reflex of retribution is the same.

TM: I have a difficult time knowing when to express anger, that is, when it’s appropriate and when it isn’t.  Sometimes I wonder whether or not anger is necessary or not, even though it seems to arise as an involuntary reaction.

Master Buddha:  Let’s start with the involuntary reaction part of your statement and then move to the rest.  Anger is a natural human emotion just like love, sadness, grief, joy, happiness, bliss, disappointment and others in the spectrum.  They arise spontaneously as a reaction to what is happening in your life.  This as a general statement is true for every human on earth.  Then how do we account for the differences in reactions among people?  Why do some people react violently to the slightest provocation and others almost not at all to severe events?

Humans share in common an emotional body that works in concert with your physical and mental bodies.  There is an influence based upon one’s past life history—what must be experienced this lifetime?  There is group connection—what must be worked out for this group of beings?  There is the influence of parents, family and community that impacts one’s emotional body and conditions its reactions.  Beyond these local influences, there is responsibility from humanity’s role on Earth.

The confluence of these many factors produce differences in reactions from one being to another.

As a social concern, there must be a range of acceptable reactions and for that humans have erected laws to regulate behavior.  Within those laws one will find instances that permit retribution resulting in death of the offending party that passes as justifiable because of the provocation of anger and the acceptance that that person is not liable for such reactions, or as is in some cultures, entitled to the justice of the extreme reaction.  Other cultures don’t condone anger reactions to that extent, but make some allowance for it that support the concept of it being involuntary if acted out spontaneously.  There are also social customs below the threshold of laws that regulate behavior.

To answer your question of whether or not anger is necessary, we must ask to what purpose is it necessary.

TM: Some people I’ve spoken to about this usually say that expressing anger is natural and involuntary and that it releases the energy from you and that’s a good and natural thing, then you move on.  Their assertion is that anger is within the constellation of natural human emotions as you just said and that we eventually evolve to the point that we can freely express anger without killing one another, but express we shall just like any other emotion.

Master Buddha:  Would you say that as a rule, expression of anger has the potential to be more destructive in its effects than the expression of joy or sadness?

TM: In some cases yes.  But maybe that’s because people overreact to some things due to repression of anger until they explode disproportionately.

Master Buddha: That’s possible, but let’s go back to your question to what purpose it serves and so is it necessary.  If our definition of anger described the circumstances of anger, then let’s answer what is anger energetically?  What purpose does the delivery of that energy serve?

Anger, energetically speaking springs from the desire nature, which in turn reflects human survival needs, and desires beyond the necessities of life.  Anger is the defender of those personal and group needs and desires.  If they are threatened, then anger arises to defend.  Energetically, it is linked to desire and it does not discriminate between basic needs and frivolous wants without the help of the mental body.  Anger at its root level, just is the defender that can be, when combined with mental energy, an impetus to aggression.

TM: In the desire nature and its list of wants, do you include things like dignity and respect?

Master Buddha: Yes, of course.  That is a matter of ego interpretation of necessities that we have covered elsewhere.

I wish to draw your attention to the fact that anger derives its force and origin from its role as defender within the human realm of physical, emotional and mental.

TM: From that are you implying that anger doesn’t exist in other realms, such as spiritual?

Master Buddha: I say emphatically that anger does not exist in the spiritual realm because there is no need that goes unfulfilled.

TM: What about the whole Lucifer rebellion?  That sounds like some needs unfulfilled.

Master Buddha: That was a matter of pride and desire, not of anger.  It was a calculated, creative execution of a perceived right of domain.  It failed.

TM: So spirits in the universe weren’t angry with Lucifer and his minions for disrupting and corrupting everything?  I mean it seems like a major conflict and you’re saying there was no anger involved and I find that hard to believe.

Master Buddha: What can I say other than what I know to be true?  There was disappointment in the whole affair, but not anger or retribution associated with anger.  There were consequences that were accepted with responsibility by all involved.

TM: Okay.  Please go back to your line of thought.

Master Buddha: Anger finds its origin in the human realm.  Given that, we can look for its necessity there.  Its purpose is to defend.  But is that necessary?

TM: I think I know where you’re going.  You’re going to argue that our desires aren’t necessary, neither is defense of them; so, anger isn’t necessary.

Master Buddha: That would be a difficult argument wouldn’t it?  Many people would disagree that desires are unnecessary.  What about basic survival needs?  Don’t those need defending?  Can’t anger be necessary for that?

TM: Yes, I suppose so.  But couldn’t they be defended without anger?  Why is anger necessary to arouse defense?

Master Buddha: Because it is.  This is where humanity is right now.  As the human race evolves closer and closer to its spiritual nature there will be a diminishment and eventually a disappearance of anger as the impetus for defense.  Over time there has been and will continue to be this gradual receding of anger.

TM: I’m surprised.  I never would have guessed that the official ‘Master’ position is that acting out anger is okey-dokey.

Master Buddha: Well, we have to cover this a bit more to qualify that position.  I think what you’ll discover is that our understanding of human nature encompasses a realistic perspective of long term evolution of human characteristics and traits.  The expression and use of anger as a defense mechanism is one.  There are others.

TM: I think I need some elaboration on this, because it goes against what I believe.

Master Buddha: And you believe?

TM: Anger is a natural emotion arising from our attachment to what we desire and feel entitled to have.  I don’t believe it’s necessary, but we are conditioned to express it, violently sometimes, and to accept it and actually be entertained by it. I believe there are ways to express anger without being harmful to others and that seeking revenge and retribution create more attachment to the experience.  I agree this is an evolutionary process, but surely we at the point where we can see that anger isn’t necessary so that we can explore other ways of providing for our survival.

Master Buddha: Does it make you angry that others can’t see this point and share your belief?

TM: A little.

Master Buddha: This is one of those conundrums for which we can’t assert what should be based upon what we’d like it to be—it just is what it is.  And at this point in human evolution there is a substantial number among the world population that experience anger differently from the belief you have stated and it’s going to take some time for the weight to shift.  In the meantime there is progress toward peaceful solutions among people who have recognized, if nothing else, that peaceful solutions grant more security to the protection of needs and wants than it does by using anger and retribution.  It’s a start.  You don’t make the shift by being angry or judgmental towards those who still regard anger, violence, war, or force as the natural solution to feeling threatened.  It is the natural solution for those grounded in the materiality of humanity, and that is the majority population of the world.

It will change over time through the enduring examples by those who have mastered peaceful solutions to threatening situations.  It will happen.  Patience is required.

TM: It always requires patience doesn’t it?

Master Buddha: Patience and a non-judgmental perspective.

© TM 2015