Tag Archives: desire

Enough: Jesus with Zoe

Enough,  https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/enough-jesus-with-zoe/

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Enough

Jesus: On the eve of the day of reckoning few will be able to sleep.  There will be an unease, a malaise, across the world.  Events will have come and gone and many will be awakening to the changes we have put in place.

Economic viability now will be the bed rock for the individual.  Teach yourself now how to care for yourself materially.  Strip the excess now and many years of financial pain will be spared.  

Learn to honour and respect what you have now and God’s grace will be yours.  The yearnings, the desires for what others show, deliberately instilling desire, consumerism and envy is coming to an end.

Turn in now and let the peace come over.  In truth there is nothing to have or know but yourself.  In yourself you will find us.  You will find love, hope, peace and charitable intent.  As the turn inwards begins, do not be tempted back to the world of man’s greed where no form is enough – more shoes, clothes, bags, money, bigger, better, stripping the earth, killing the cows and deafening the sound of your inner reason.

You have enough.  Free yourself from the greed, the pain of wanting and fill yourself with us.  The truth of this shall set you free.

May God’s grace be with you.


© Zoe 2015

Alleviate Suffering: Jesus with Zoe

Alleviate Suffering, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/alleviate-suff…jesus-with-zoe/ ‎E
Alleviate suffering

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Alleviate Suffering


JesusThe suffering of many can be greatly alleviated by the few.  Ensure the people you place in power represent your desires in relieving the pain of many, either by direct action, lobbying or simply standing up and speaking.  The time to take a stand for what is important is now.  For those of you without a voice, without faith and hope of relief, understand that your time will come.  Your suffering does not go unnoticed and you are never unloved.

For those of you with voice, with means or capability, take a stand for your fellow men.  Your fate is their fate.  Consider that at the day of reckoning your individual lives may be measured against the fate of your peoples as a whole.  I say this not to instill fear or guilt but to simply provide you with an opportunity to refocus, make choices and serve the whole rather than the self in isolation of the world around you.

Do what you can with peace, faith and hope as your bastions.  My work is through you workings.

With love.

© Zoe 2015

All Is Impermanent: Buddha with Zoe

All Is Impermanent, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/all-is-impermanent/ ‎
All is Impermanent

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: All Is Impermanent

Buddha: Begin now to look at the world the way we see it.  This world is of temporary form- always shifting, always moving out, shifting each of your every lives.  This world that you live in is bigger, bolder and greater than the individual life that you currently inhabit.

With this knowledge learn to respect the earth.  Learn to keep the earth’s greatness in your mind and with every choice that you make be aware of consequence.  I say this to each and every one of you.Yet do not become fixed on the permanence of damage or sustainability or even on life itself.

Think of yourself as in transit. You are always moving from one form into another.  Birth, life stages, days, places that you visit- always moving in and out of form.  Not just within the lifetime of the soul but within the lifetime even of the day.  One moment is always different from the next, yet you remain.  So treat your host with respect and dignity, your host the earth. You are traveling through this lifetime and leave it well.

Begin to recognize that there are those that have gone before you who knew and understood this and worked to leave no footprint of themselves upon the earth. Take a step towards this. This will do two things: Firstly this will give the respect to the earth that it deserves. Secondly this will begin to train you in the nature of your reality right now as you sit and read these words. This moment, whilst real now, will be gone in a moment from now. Take from it what you need. Recognize the impermanence of all and become still and settled within that. Great is the suffering of the many who try and fix points through time, through desire.

Whilst great things can be achieved within a lifetime, within a year, within a month, a week, a day, all is just single moments threaded together. All is impermanent.

I taught to think of moments, of actions, of words spoken to others, of thoughts, all of these as beads on string. Each bead represents that thought, that moment, that desire, that action. This will be the legacy that the soul will carry forth from you. You will with you a string of beads and on that string will be your decisions whether you have been conscious of them or not. This is what you will take to what id beyond form. I taught that this is all that is important- a string of beads- and that isn’t even real in form but metaphysical.

Today I will teach you to value the impact of your life, your choices. Delve into your thoughts, your desires to help you become aware of the impact of your life and your choices, conscious or not.

Life is different today. Different in the fact that impact is greater, desire is greater, restlessness and suffering is greater and this happens at a time when many of you have more of that which is in form. Therefore switch your focus from your daytime job to give you things, material forms, and instead focus on your inner world. This is your real job and it matters not what you do in the world of form. What matters is how. Bring conscious awareness into your life, into your moment and learn to keep the focus on your internal world. learn to become aware of when you become out of yourself and learn to hold the moments where you are inside. Inside your body, inside your life, inside what you are doing- this is where you meet the present. This is where you are doing you inner work.

And this is all for today.

© Zoe 2015

Energy Attachments: Buddha with Zoe

Energy attachments, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/energy-attachments/ ‎
Energy attachments

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: Resistance to a State of Being

Buddha: Can you control the mind of another?  The answer is no. Can you control the desires of another?  The answer is no.

So what happens when someone wants something from you that you are unwilling to give? The thought forms and desire, we could even call it desirous energy, reaches you and the truth is that this happens many times a day.  For those that are evolving to understand feelings and concepts of energetic attachments, I say to you that you must look at mental attachments: your own.  For these thought forms and desirous energies wash over you.

So what, I hear my healers asking, is an energetic attachment?  An energetic attachment can only happen when you have resistance to a state of being.  Resistance to a state of being causes an interaction of such energetic disharmony that it becomes fixed until it can flow once more.  Let me explain:

We have a situation with this reader, Zoe.  She can feel another’s desire to be attachment to her.  She has felt repulsion at the attachment.  Even the concept of the attachment and the feeling response in her creates such an energetic disharmony between her and the other that they fix each other, therefore becoming attached.

So as one cannot control the mind or the desires of another, what is left if one wishes to be free of attachment? All that is left is your own state of being. All that is left is to free your own attachments and now I speak to you on a level of mind.

For anything that you resist or feel an emotional charge to, in this case repulsion or even adoration at the opposite end of the scale, fixes energy and thus is capable of forming attachments.

So all that is left is you, your relationship with mind and your willingness, ironically it may seem, to allow attachments.  Allow that which you find repulsive or adorable to wash over you accepting its state of being and fixing it not.  As that happens no attachment will be made for it is you my students who fix the attachment.  The feelers are always out, always washing over you.

This is an interesting discussion with me and I am happy to expand on points in the future.

© Zoe 2015

It Simply Is (Part 2): Buddha with Zoe

It Simply Is Part 2, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/it-simply-is-part-2/ ‎
It simply is part 2

Conversation with Zoe and Buddha:

It Simply Is Part 2


Buddha: The aim of my discussions with you, Zoë, is to bring stillness into the lives of many, and as I was on earth, to relieve the suffering of the many. The suffering that is just and unjust. By that, we mean the suffering that is created by us and that which life unfolds for us.

Man was not made to suffer. So why does he we hear you ask. Over-development of the intellect: plain and simple. It has become a muscle that has become too strong, too strong for the creative urges of man, too strong to be able to let go with any ease. Intelligence was given to you as your species came down to exist here on earth. Your gene pool was taken from that of the animals and you were developed, given the gift. Yet though the gift was given from God, from all that is, it has become what has taken you away from all is, and fundamentally this needs to be rectified. We need you now to use your minds to learn to train and control your intellect. To take that muscle and through work, through dedication, allow its control to become flaccid and its repartee- its ability to distinguish what is right and wrong in a situation- to remain. So if you like, what is needed is a lobotomy and this muscle needs to be halved in size. Once halved in size it will become equal once again and be able to balance with mankind’s other gifts, its creative urges, its flows, the intuition, and the instincts. There is nothing that cannot be achieved on earth. Not through the intellect but through the creative flow and then the utilization of intellect henceforth.

I listen to the suffering of many. “Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why?” No answer comes. However, “Why, why, why? This hurts, this pains, this hurts, this pains, this hurts, this pains. I wish for, I wish for, I wish for, I wish for, I wish for.”

What does this get?

“Why, why, why, why, why, why, this hurts, this pains, this hurts, this pain, I wish for, I wish for, I wish for.”

The resolution to suffering is not within the mind it is in the end of mind.

This is short today Zoe and it is very straight. We end this suffering from the cessations of mind. By this we mean the cessations of mental desire. Pointless mental questionings that are incapable of answers. “Why?”, “Because.” “Why?”, “Because.” “Why?”, “Because.” “Why?”, “Because.”

From now on when someone asks, “Why”, say, “It simply is.” This need not be pain, this need not be suffering. Accept the simply is and find the peace there in. There is no movement from this point for mind, except to take you away from this point. When you are taken away from this point the suffering and pain will begin once more. “Why, why, why?”. “It simply is”. Find the peace from this point and be aware that only the mind can take you away from this and you will resume pain and suffering. “Why, why, why?” I needn’t go on now Zoe.

Do you know that all enlightenment is this simple? Goodbye for now.

© Zoe 2015

For It Simply Is Part 1 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 3 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 4 click here.