Tag Archives: Master Buddha

Rolling Stone: Buddha with Zoe

Rolling Stone,  https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/rolling-stone-buddha-with-zoe/
A rolling stone gathers no moss

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: Rolling Stone

Buddha: “A rolling stone gathers no moss”- I like this.

Think on it. This doesn’t necessarily mean continual movement of forms but it can mean renewal- allow yourself to be renewed, revitalized in each moment. Keep in mind that you too are a rolling stone even when you are still.

© Zoe 2015

Let the Tide Turn: Buddha with Zoe

Let the tide turn, Buddha with Zoe, Mistyseaandstones
Let the tide turn

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: Let the Tide Turn

Buddha: Sometimes we say, “Love shall set you free”- free from what? You’re own sense of tyranny, isolation and desperation. Let yourself feel love; let yourself be loving, and the tide will turn. As it does so it shall wash the fears, cares and concerns away. You will have peace.

© Zoe 2015

In the Absence of Love: Buddha with Zoe

Drips, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/in-the-absence…uddha-with-zoe/
In the absence of love

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: In the Absence of Love

Buddha: In the absence of love nothing is real. Your sensory perception still perceives but it has lost its connection to  All That Is. Remember the Heart of the Matter. Only love is real. Everything else is meaningless.

© Zoe 2015

The Heart of the Matter: Buddha with Zoe

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the matter, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/the-heart-of-the-matter/
The heart of the matter

Buddha: Let’s get to the heart of the matter. Only love is real. You are created by it, created from it and prosper by harnessing it and love is your central driving force. When you understand this the problems you face, as well as the problems of the world, will fade a way.

I love you. You love me too. You might just not know it yet…

© Zoe 2015

Sparkle and Shine: Buddha with Zoe

Shine and sparkle
Sparkle and shine

Conversations with Buddha and Zoe: Sparkle and Shine

Buddha: Zoe, there will be times when your energies are down. Times when life doesn’t sparkle and shine. Does that mean that sparkle and shine doesn’t exist if you can’t see it? Of course not. You just can’t see it.

Many of you give up hope because you can’t see the wonder or the beauty in life anymore. Perhaps you feel you have never seen it. This is only because, right now, it is hidden from you. This is not necessarily your fault: it’s just the law of averages. Where your perception sits on this law dictates your experience.

So if you want the sparkle and shine to come back, or indeed be discovered for the first time, go and look for it. Find someone who is currently experiencing that and piggy back their perception. Learn to see what they can see. Learn to live how they can live, and you will be happy. Or at least you will be on your way to find out more about yourself and more about the nature of perceptual reality that surrounds you and often loses you to it’s fleeting and delusional nature.

This is all. Be happy today; or at least be a little happier.

© Zoe 2015

Money- Does It Matter? Buddha with Zoe

Waterdroplets on long leaves
Does money matter?

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: Does Money Matter?

Buddha: Today I wish to speak to about wealth and whether it matters. This is a subject that many of you fight with yourself about. By wealth I am going to focus on money: the mechanism that you have for acquiring large amounts of things and experiences.

The world was made abundantly. There was always more for you than you could ever utilize or use. It was made with great love and given to you with great joy. More than you could ever utilize: a land of milk of honey. But where you have gone wrong is in thinking that more of it was meant for you than was designed for another.

Over the ages man has ensnared man even to the point of physical entrapment . Further more many have sold what they felt was their right to sell: the physical body of another. This is fundamentally against the principle upon which this reality, this earth, was created.

It is possible to go back to having enough for all but a culture shift will need to happen that is so vast you could call it cataclysmic. This will be started by a shift in consciousness. Many of you feel this. Your institutions feel this and their answer is to try and shore their institutions and themselves up in more wealth as if that means the cataclysm can’t and wont affect them.

Many of you are currently suffering feeling you do not have enough. If you feel this is you, please take the time to look around and you and see if this is true- do you really not have enough? Enough of what? Food? Look in your kitchen. Money? Look in your bank. And with this one also look at your spend. Many of you claim to not have enough but actually have more than you could ever maintain physically by yourself: your home, your cars, your electrical goods and so forth. This is indeed a time of change and in these times you are asked to look within and find your own personal answers to how much is enough for you. Once you have enough, cycle your excess: this was, and is, the basis of charity and community.

It is entirely possible that the cycle of money you circle in this life may come back to you when you may need it for yourself. Lonely is the person who shores themselves with big bank accounts and excesses of living whilst others are in pain. This is how it is. This is how it always has been. This is how it always will be. This is because you are part of each other. To shore yourself against another defies your nature, so your nature will suffer. To sell another for personal gain without thought and feeling for their well-being is another example. It defies your nature and so your nature must suffer.

I say end this suffering: discover your enough and circulate your excess. All is well with your world.

© Zoe 2015

Live! Buddha with Zoe

Live, Buddha with Zoe, image dynamic flower
Live whilst you are alive

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: Live!

Buddha: ‘Living’ is the experience you undertake as you have this so called ‘life’. But are you living? Or existing? Do not forget that ‘living’ in it’s true sense is an opening of possibility; the numerous and endless ways you can meet this moment now as you are alive in body.

Live today. Existence will still be here tomorrow. But it may change. Feel alive and embrace the experience of possibilities. Do not shed them for a meaningless existence.

I exist: I live- just in a different way from you. I still engage in the lives I live and experience them in their fullest. While you may not comprehend my meaning on myself, comprehend it for yourself. Feel like you’re living while you are alive.

© Zoe 2015

An Affirmation of Success: Buddha with Zoe

success, Buddha with Zoe, Forestleavesshaftlight
An affirmation of success

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: An Affirmation of Success

Buddha: There are those who think how will I survive if I don’t do? If I don’t achieve? If I don’t succeed? But ask yourself- survive what? Living? You cannot survive this as it is your destiny to leave living through death. This is inevitable. Does this mean put yourself in harms way? No. But learn to cherish the living one within. The one that unites you with all other Ones. The eternal. It is here to enjoy and explore. So why not enjoy and explore? Perhaps you can do this as you go about your daily life and business. Perhaps you can make this your affirmation of success.

Go now, and enjoy yourself.

© Zoe 2015

Prioritisation: Buddha with Zoe

Prioritisation, Buddha with Zoe, Bluefish

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: Prioritisation

Buddha: As I look on I notice that many of you have many things to do, places to go, errands to run. But where are your priorities- in being busy? I ask you to look at this today. Life will always present opportunities for events, for getting things done, but is this really how you wish your experience of living to be? Ask yourself this today. For many of you, slowing down will unlock a life worthy of living.

This is all.

© Zoe 2015

Mind- A Game: Buddha with Zoe

Mind- a game, Cove
Mind- a game

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: Mind- A Game

Buddha: Let us start how we must begin. A mind is a mind. A tooth is a tooth, A television a television. But are they not also of mind? Who named them? Created them? Can you visualize them? Experience them? Only through your mind.

So, where do I say you should all start? By questioning everything you think you know. You think you know. You think you know nothing. You know… You know…

Well I say to you- Ha! There is nothing to know. There is everything to know. But all of it- ALL OF IT- is a play on words, worlds, concepts, realities. Each of you go as far as your mind will let you. Know this.

We can go further next time.

© Zoe 2015