Tag Archives: Being

The Three Musketeers: Buddha with Zoe

Three Musketeers
All for one and one for all!

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: The Three Musketeers

Buddha: The Three Musketeers- I like that story. The story that resolves itself around a principle that I myself taught and continue to witness being taught.

One for All and All for One!

You are bonded by your heritage- part of the cosmic force that defies time and space, form and formless and conceptual reality. You are all one species, physically, here on earth.

Yet you spend time distinguishing self for others. ‘This makes me special, unique, individual’. I say ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL! Be your selves. You are separated by the unique combination of the parts that make a body look a certain way, a voice sound a certain way, a mind influenced and think in ways. All of you are unique aspects of the other. This is what your differences are- a reflection of the other parts that you are currently not in this life. So are you unique? In a very tertiary and transitory way. Like a fleeting thought, a small gasp of air. But truly you a real part of the kaleidoscope of ALL. Unite your perspectives and physical forms and see the ALL that you are.

Why not?

All for one and one for all!

© Zoe 2015

BEing the All: Buddha with Zoe

Being the all, Sunburstclouds
BEing the all


Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: BEing the All

Buddha: My time on earth was a fascinating one. I lived, I loved, I laughed, I lost, I was found and I was.

I still am. Some ask me what am I? Am I air? Sand? Sea? Surf?

I am a resolute force. Do you like my use of the word ‘resolute’ after our last post? This is what I am. I am one with a single purpose: to lift mankind out of the depths of their illusion and allow them to understand their nature as Beings of All. There is no difference between you and another and another and you. This is all falsehood and illusion. Nothing exists as an entity separate from the self, and the self cannot exist as separate from the All.

What is All? Everything. So why wonder about it when you can BE it. BE it today. Practice Being the All today with me. This is just an intention to set forth into this world- nothing more. Who know- we may have fun!

© Zoe 2015

You Are Not Alone: Jesus with Zoe

You Are Not Alone, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/you-are-not-al…jesus-with-zoe/
You are not alone

Conversations with Zoe and Jesus: You Are Not Alone

Jesus: We have said much of trust and faith- what is this? This is the absolute knowingness that you are not alone. That nothing is alone. This is true for every part of your Universe. Each person and being is linked and impacts another by mere thought as well as touch. You are magnificent and more powerful than you can ever know. Learn to trust this. Even as the flower fades and eventually falls, it is caught by the ground. It is loved. As it decomposes it brings nutrients and life to the soil and the soil is loved. This cycle continues whether you think of it or not. You are part of that cycle. Even when you fall you are caught. Whether you are mindful of Us or not, you are caught. We are yours, now and forever more.


© Zoe 2015

Be Yourself: Buddha with Zoe

Be Yourself, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/be-yourself/
Be yourself

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: Be Yourself

Buddha: Lets speak more about mind. As you know there is no one conscious reality, there is no one consciousness. Instead, there are interlinking realities. And what is that interlinking reality? Love: love inter-relates all. What do we mean by love? The ability to be joyous in just being.

The flower is just a flower. A rose doesn’t try and be a lily; it simply extends the best of itself to try and meet the sun as a beautiful expression of the creative wonder of God. And this is what we want for humanity. If you are a rose don’t try and be a lily. If you are a lily don’t try and be a chrysanthemum. Simply be, learn to be.

There is nothing to do there is no way to be, other than through the suspension of mind. Yet, interestingly, it is mind that inter-relates all. There are many paradoxes to this as there are many layers of reality. What is real for your cat Zoë, is real. What is real for the bird that the cat is watching, is real. What is real for you watching the cat watch the bird, is real. What is real for me is the connective force that unites all of us, of which I am part, and the willingness for a transcendence. The transcendence of the current state of humanity. This current state is nothing but a state mind. When enough people change their state of mind there will be a change in the state of reality. This is not hard. It is easy to do and it starts with every individual taking account of their lives, their works and choosing to wake up.

Spending your time as a rose trying to be a lily is exhausting. Ultimately you will fail. But understanding that you are some sort of flower that through becoming peaceful with the self turns out to be a rose will be a wonder. And this is what we wait on: the return of the rose.

How do you know if you’re a rose trying to be a lily? It hurts. How do you know if you’re a lily trying to be a rose? It hurts. You are reaching for something that is beyond your form, beyond essence, beyond your blueprint, yet you bend and twist and dye, and contort. And ultimately there will be no peace, there will be no stillness, there will be no wholeness- there will only be pain for a rose cannot be a lily and a lily cannot be a rose. How do you know if you are a rose? You are a rose and you have peace. How do you know if you are a lily? You are a lily and you have peace.

What is peace? A fundamental feeling that all is well and all is well with you.

All that is not well can be resolved. Some things will take large efforts, some things will take smaller efforts. But ultimately only a rose can be a rose and ultimately only the lily can be the lily. To try and be something else is to inflict pain. This is not the purpose of a rose even though it has thorns! This is not the purpose of a lily even though its pollen can be toxic! A rose is a rose and a lily is a lily. Let that be for now.

© Zoe 2015


It Simply Is (Part 4): Buddha with Zoe

It Simply Is Part 4, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/it-simply-is-part-4/
It simply is part 4

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: It Simply Is (Part Four)

Buddha: How often is it then that a distractive mind becomes a fearful mind? There are very few of you who have spent time exploring their minds so that a distraction becomes fear, fear becomes a distraction and all that exists is the hamster wheel of being, of doing, as opposed to the presence of God in the moment. So I say to you explore the mind.

There is nothing to be frightened of.  You will find fearful thoughts, fearful forms, but more importantly, you will find distraction.  And of what you feel is fearful, only a small proportion will actually be fear-full; the rest will be distraction.  And of that which is fear-full, simply sitting and acknowledging it as a thought form will allow it to move. Simply state, “You are a thought form, go. I am capable of being. I need not acknowledge you, and in that acknowledgment, allow you to take me over and allow you to become.” For that is all that happens when one engages in these types of thought forms, the thought form is able to become.  And as a human being, is this not you worst nightmare? Engage not with the thought form.  Simply acknowledge it and state to it, “You are a thought form go. I am me, I will be.”

The minds of men are messy, are distracted—have become fear-full. Chaos reigns and only those who are willing to become a disciple of clarity will work to free themselves from the bondage. For this is the truth: Mankind as whole is in chains to itself, in chains to that which separated it from an animal, which for some has meant that part of the species has become lower than that of the animal and through desires, through allowing thought forms to become have allowed catastrophes and horrors of being, such as that not seen in the animal world.

This is not your destiny. This was never your destiny going below the level of animal, no. You were meant as a species to find us from the level of form; to explore new ways of love and being while inhabiting different forms.  This is all within you.  This is the blueprint of humanity.  However, this will require the disengagement of current mind, the individual to become disciple of clarity and from there mankind will be able to raise itself to its destiny.  And individuals, such as yourselves, will be able to see clearly what is the beauty of this place that you call your home, earth, the love that does exist within the hearts of all, the essence of God, the connection, the oneness to all that is an indisputable truth.

Work to become clear of mind and the gifts of gods will be yours.

© Zoe 2015

For It Simply Is Part 1 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 2 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 3 click here.