FAQ’s Conversations with Jesus and Buddha
Q. When did you both realise you could hear Buddha and Jesus?
A. TM: I started in a meditation. First, I had a question in my mind about the Passion of the Christ film that had just been released. I asked Jesus, not knowing what would happen. That’s when the conversation began. Some months later after several conversations with Jesus, I asked Master Buddha a question and a conversation ensued. This was the first time I had spoken with either Jesus or Buddha.
A. Zoe: I had been working with energy as a healer for years and was hearing the voices of people’s angels and guides and sometimes their loved one’s who had passed over. Jesus came to me whilst I was doing a healing treatment on someone who prayed to Jesus everyday. How I experienced that was as an immense light coming towards me and then I began to feel the most powerful energy I’d ever felt. I was overwhelmed. Tears began to stream down my face. I then saw him, as he is traditionally depicted, in my mind’s eye, which is one of the ways I ‘see’ psychically. He then spoke. I was blown away. I don’t remember his exact words at the time but from then on he would come to me and speak. It took many months before I felt comfortable to ask for him. Anytime I have he has always come. I’ve come to realize that his influence is everywhere. In some churches I’m able to ‘tune in’ and hear his teachings as if they are being played on repeat and permeating the environment. He stands with anyone who believes him in and comes to anyone who asks. He enjoys being with me, he says. He asks me to call on him more which is interesting to me. He says I should invite him into my garden and he will be with me. I do this. Maybe I should record some of those encounters too.
Buddha came to me quite by surprise. I was sitting on my yoga mat after meditation in my home and I heard a voice that very clearly said something along the lines of, “Turn and face me.” I did and there was the most magnificent, blinding golden light behind me. After a few seconds, when I wasn’t blinded by it anymore, I saw the biggest cheeky grin and a face I immediately knew as Buddha’s. I got such a shock, which only amused him more. I LOVE my conversations with Buddha. He came to me at a time when I wanted to expand my consciousness. I may have had a thought of how great it would be to be taught by Buddha but I’m not sure. I immediately asked him if he would help me and he agreed and we started a training program everyday for some time. I then asked him if I should post some of these and I have. What I can tell you is that he is a very keen teacher and his lessons are fabulous- at least to me… He too told me that he is available to help others and enjoys the fact that he is ‘fashionable’ and images and statues of him appear in homes in the West and all over the world now. When we finish our conversations (which are more like tutorials for me!) he always signs off saying, “That is all. Your Buddy Buddha.” I just LOVE his joy!
Q. You say what you experience is different for each of you- can you explain?
A. TM: I begin as I always do with an opening of the Love in Abundance prayer. I then align my three aspects of personality (physical, emotional and mental) with soul and spirit. Next I ask for permission to communicate with Jesus or Buddha, depending on the subject. Contact is made with a return greeting that actually speaks through my audible voice. The experience is like speaking to a friend in conversation. Mostly I type the conversation and so it goes a bit slower since I’m not very quick at typing. I’ve thought of doing an audio recording and then transcribing, but have never done that. I always feel refreshed and very clear after a conversation.
A. Zoe: For me I can experience one of two things: either I can feel an immensely powerful and loving energy approach me and I can make way for it by stopping what I’m doing, or, I can sit, meditate and ask to connect. Once I connect I can feel a great amount of pressure on the top of my head and forehead and I begin to feel like I’m slowing down and might sleep. I relax into the feeling and feel as if my personal sense of self moves down into my chest and parks itself into my physical heart. As this is happening I relax, breath the experience in and eventually I feel as if there is another presence in my body. Once I’m settled, it settles, and the presence uses my voice to speak. I record what I say.
I remember most of what is said but I’m unable to think for myself as the presence is inside as it pushes the presence out. Sometimes I’m given pictures in my mind as a point is illustrated. With every conversation the experience of love is incredible as is a light sense of humor. Buddha, in particular, has an incredible sense of humor and often laughs. When they leave I feel an immense sense of peace and often it takes a few minutes for me to open my eyes and adjust to my normal waking state. I feel very blessed and honoured by their presence. Buddha usually begins with, “Hello Zoe. It’s Your friend, Your Guide, Your Master- Buddha.” Jesus appears but doesn’t speak at first. I feel and see his smiles. The purity and power of his presence is indescribable. What a blessing!
I usually let Jesus or Buddha speak about whatever they like. Occasionally I’ll ask a question and listen to their answer. It’s more difficult for me to speak to them and hear. I can do it but it’s easier just to listen and bask in their glorious energy. Generally it’s easier for me to have the intention to ask a question and have them answer it. I suppose my conversations are more like monologues than TMichael’s. I practice what they speak about and allow my mind to rest on their conversations and I actively think about their words and meanings for days, weeks, moths and years. Sometimes when I actively think about their conversations I can feel their presence move closer to me. I find it fun to walk down the street or be in the garden with Jesus and Buddha. Jesus once asked me to, “take him” into the supermarket. It amused me no end having a conversation with him as I picked my veggies, but in situations like this it’s much harder to hold their energies. ‘m convinced he’s everywhere and he just meant for me to invite his presence and conversation as I did my grocery shop. It’s much easier to hold their energies when I’m physically still. Better not tell my cousin I can even hear Jesus in the supermarket 
Q. How did you (TMichael & Zoe) meet?
A. TM: Zoe contacted me after she visited this site, which was after she began having conversations with Master Buddha. She was curious if anyone else was having this experience, did some searching, and violå, she found these conversations.
Following an exchange of emails and a phone conversation, we decided to post Zoe’s conversations here. I welcome the opportunity to share these with you as I have my own conversations.
A. Zoe: After I initially spoke with Buddha I had an overwhelming urge to google, “conversations with Buddha”. Immediately this site came up and in some sort of altered state I emailed TMichael. I needed that altered state to be able to email him- emailing strangers is normally out of character for me. I’m so glad I did. TMichael and I are now good friends.
Q. Do you think it’s ‘normal’ that you can hear Jesus and Buddha?
A. TM: If you mean ‘normal’ in the sense that the average person has conversations with Jesus and Buddha, then no, this isn’t normal. I think Zoe’s cousin’s response is funny. Given her profession’s standards, both Jung and Freud would have been sectioned. Is it normal to dedicate one’s life to living among the poor and healing the sick without compensation? Is it normal to live an ascetic life in the forest while giving up a material kingdom? The world depends upon the irrational and abnormal person for all its progress. The fact that normal people would squander their limited resources to sequester abnormal, benign persons, is by my definition insane. So, my answer is, no it’s not normal, but why should anyone care?
A. Zoe: When I began ‘hearing’ I was deeply uncomfortable with it. Looking back I’m not sure why as I was already ‘seeing’ energy forms, working as a healer and speaking with my angels, guides and God. I suppose it comes as a bit of a shock to ‘hear’ the answer to a question! I know that sounds a bit strange… I spoke with my cousin, who as a clinical psychologist, told me that she could section me. I burst out laughing and asked if that was still the case if it was the voice of angel? She said that it was even worse if it was Jesus- I kept very quiet… 
I believe that every one of us is in communication with Spirit at all times. I believe this is “normal”. We are made of heaven and earth (formlessness and form), and essentially we are all spirit inhabiting a body. It’s my belief that it’s impossible to not be in touch with Spirit because that is what we are. However it isn’t everyone who experiences spirit, or the formless part of themselves. For me connecting with the formless part of myself has opened up a number of realities that were hitherto undiscovered. Being able to hear the messages and feel the love of Buddha and Jesus is one part of that. It’s a part that I kept quiet for a long time, and it’s a part I came to understand that would better be shared than hidden. I don’t think it’s ‘normal’ to feel, hear and be witness to their magnificence and not share it in some kind of way.
Q. What kind of reactions do you get from people who know you speak to Jesus and Buddha?
A. TM: Only a handful of people know and they accept that it’s just something I do in my private, spiritual life.
A. Zoe: It varies on the person, like anything in life. I have to add that it’s not something I’ve ever openly publicised about myself. I am much more comfortable about it now in myself, and that has helped me become more comfortable discussing it with others. As a healer I had been given many names. Many were wonderful but some of them were not. Despite the fact alternative therapies are popular today, some people still perceive healing as something unnatural or unholy, practiced by less than virtuous people. So I am used to being perceived in a polarised way because of what I do. However I don’t walk about with a sign saying, “I speak to Jesus and Buddha”. As much as the thought of that is very humorous to me it’s just not going to happen. Not for the foreseeable future anyway- but you never know!
Q. What is your favourite post?
A. TM: I don’t really have a favorite one. I do really like this quote from Master Jesus: “I’m strengthening your soul to tap your spirit that holds the key to your power that unlocks your heart that alters the mind that frees you from the illusion.”
A. Zoe: I like them all for different reasons. I started practicing the exercise given in Love Thy Neighbour . That is amazing. When I practice this all barriers within me to others are dropped and I experience an immense amount of love and joy as I look for him in the eyes of others. I’m a bit of an eternal student so love having lessons. TMichael has asked about specific things. His posts are different from mine and are more conversational. What I love most about all of TMichael’s conversations is his self honesty; he let’s us into his world, his psyche, as he converses. This takes courage; especially as Jesus and Buddha often make gentle fun with him! Both Jesus and Buddha have incredible senses of humour and because of the way TMichael converses with them, this humour is better captured in many of TMichael’s posts better than mine. Jesus and Buddha do like to gently and lovingly play with me and my limiting beliefs too. I reckon they specialise in pointing them out! I’ve often laughed out loud as I’ve read some of the posts. For this and other reasons I particularly like Integration and Disintegration.
Over the years Buddha’s lesson in Be Yourself has stuck with me: the rose can only be a rose.
Q. What Do You Mean By “Energetic Meaning” in the posts?
A. Zoe: The energetic presence I experience when conversing with Jesus and Buddha is incredibly powerful. It is peaceful, loving, light hearted, humorous and truly beautiful. Sometimes it makes me want to cry with tears of joy; sometimes sleep for a thousand years. Speaking with them has changed my life. When I read these posts I’m able to experience some of this energy once more, even though their presence isn’t directly with me. Some of you may feel it too. I believe there is transformative, powerful energy coming through the words in the posts- energy that could possibly help you heal and transform. So this is why we suggest that you read the posts with an open heart and an open mind.
Q. In the post Rod of Healing you discuss working with the Rod of Healing. How did it help you?
A. TM: What I experienced with the ROH was a sense of confidence and power to heal myself. The meditation upon focusing the power and flow of energy builds strength within your perception of health and a means of visualizing your physical body in a healthy state. The result I know better than the means, which is still a bit shrouded in mystery for me. Within 3-4 weeks I went from a stage 4 cancer state to complete remission. I used allopathic and alternative treatments combined for that period while I meditated daily on the ROH to focus the power of the treatments as well as tap my own inner strength for healing.
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