Buddha: Many of you are feeling the changes that are happening on the planet and in your own personal lives. This is correct. The vibratory field that you are amassing as a collective is speeding up and changing. More is felt and more is worried about. I ask you all to look within and to center yourself. Do not become too concerned by matters and that re happening far at sea: instead focus on keeping your balance, your own stillness. Practice this. Some days and some times are better than others. Nevertheless practice all the same.
Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Heed The Murmurings
Jesus: So you think you can do this on your own, this life? This existence?
You can’t. You are all interconnected and interwoven, dependant of the well being of all, all than the one. All of you at the day of reckoning will be held accountable to Us for your ignorance, misdemeanours and misnomers towards others.
Each of you must learn to turn the other cheek, help the stranger, love your neighbour before the ascent of your race is possible. This is why highly evolved beings return to earth – to ease the suffering. Thinking of the All not just the One. The suffering tide is coming. It will come in TV shows and books, churches, synagogues, mosques, earthquakes and hurricanes and it will ask each of you to look within and find the humanity, the strength, the willingness to help those who are weaker, more vulnerable and less able than yourselves.
For those of you who worship at the bank and in “goods” this will be shaken or taken away and a New world order, a New earth will emerge and fill the cracks, the voids in the old ones.
The prophets are in place. The time is now. Those that feel the move will move with it.
For those that ignore and refuse the inner murmurings (it’s in you All) there will be consequences.
Hail the new order has come and with it a new beginning, a new possibility a New Way of Being for you All.
Heed the murmurings, awake to the realities of your life and your consequential affect on the lives of others and you will hardly notice the change take place.
Jesus: On the eve of the day of reckoning few will be able to sleep. There will be an unease, a malaise, across the world. Events will have come and gone and many will be awakening to the changes we have put in place.
Economic viability now will be the bed rock for the individual. Teach yourself now how to care for yourself materially. Strip the excess now and many years of financial pain will be spared.
Learn to honour and respect what you have now and God’s grace will be yours. The yearnings, the desires for what others show, deliberately instilling desire, consumerism and envy is coming to an end.
Turn in now and let the peace come over. In truth there is nothing to have or know but yourself. In yourself you will find us. You will find love, hope, peace and charitable intent. As the turn inwards begins, do not be tempted back to the world of man’s greed where no form is enough – more shoes, clothes, bags, money, bigger, better, stripping the earth, killing the cows and deafening the sound of your inner reason.
You have enough. Free yourself from the greed, the pain of wanting and fill yourself with us. The truth of this shall set you free.
Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Listen and Look Inside
Jesus: For those are willing to listen, listen now. The change is upon us. Are you with us? If you are looking, look inside and ask yourself honestly,
“How do I feel?” No measure of spirituality can deny true existence of pain.
Pain is unable to be transcended by Us. But with willingness to acknowledge its existence and wholesome desire for a better way of being we can lift you out from it and it can disappear.
Meet us half way and we will lift you into our arms. Do this by taking the time to look inside. There is nothing you could find that would ever inhibit our desire to help you.
Allow yourself support and rest in your honesty and your fears will be now more.
Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: A Love Revolution
Jesus: Each of you are accountable for thought, deed on yourself and others. Knowing this would you change? Each of you, strong as you may be, are linked in the chain of humanity. Knowing that this then makes you as strong as the weakest, what would you do? Give thought to this. If desire to act emerges, ensure you are motivated with love and compassion to ease the suffering of the poor, helpless and hopeless. Otherwise your efforts are in vain.
We see into the hearts of men. Join us in a love revolution.
Conversations with Jesus and Zoe: Build A Better World
Jesus: You walk through the lives of many each and every one of you. Ask yourself what do you leave behind? Promise, faith, hope, smiles? Anger, resentment, fear, alienation, isolation? Make sure you are aware of the impact. Think of the child responding to the mood of the adult. What do you wish your legacy to be? With each step, each glance, each phone call, each hug you interact with another. Even in thoughts. Nothing is invisible. If you could see your “effect” or residue as tangibly as a badge of emotion on another- and you knew that they could also see the badge that your impact had- would you change?
Let’s build a better world. It only takes you. Together we will succeed.
Conversations with Jesus and Zoe: Milk of Human Kindness
Jesus: Today is a day when we talk about the milk of human kindness.
Nothing is more important than kind, thought, word, action and deed.
Think of it: if all were kind what a very different world we’d live in.
Work towards this in your own life. Have faith in the power of this even when it feels that no-one else is showing you kindness and compassion. Be the beacon and be the change.
Jesus: The impact of the spoken and written word is immense. Many men have risen and fallen as a result of words.
Practice speaking and writing wisdom. This does not mean telling people what to do, how to behave or think. This means look for the wisdom in any given situation, practice contemplation then teach yourself to communicate with love, respect and honour for the intended recipient.
This small act will change how you feel and impact the lives of everyone you communicate with. This makes speaking wisdom a powerful tool for change.