Tag Archives: Buddha

About TMichael

These conversations are my, TMichael’s, metalogues. I go into a meditative state and tap my creative imagination and whatever may exist in a higher state realm. I don’t claim to know what that is and I’ve given up regular speculation, because I’ve accepted that it’s unknowable.

My observations of the actual conversations that are transcribed are that the body of what is said bears minor resemblance to what I may have thought myself, but most of it is new to me. I don’t know how to explain that. I do premeditate prior to the meditative state whether I’ll converse with Jesus or Buddha. Beyond that everything just comes through and I transcribe it.

Feel free to leave a comment on any conversation.

If you want to know more about us please visit the FAQ’s page.


About Zoe

I, Zoe, been a healer helping people for over 10 years. Coming from a line of women who were and are able to connect to Spirit in a variety of forms, it wasn’t at all surprising when my abilities to work with, feel and see Spirit also became hearing Spirit. At first I kept these abilities to myself. Nervously I began to bring forward the messages to a few friends and clients. As I began to trust the process, channelling became part of what I offered clients in my practice. In my healing work I would regularly clairvoyantly see and feel people’s helpers. One day, when I was working on a client’s energy field, I became aware of a very bright light and magnificent presence coming towards me. It started speaking to me inside my mind. I was immediately overwhelmed, humbled and spontaneously began to weep without sound. I began to ‘see’ who it was- Jesus.

I was stunned for weeks. Eventually I summoned the courage to see if I could reach him. I settled myself, meditated, asked the question in my mind and once again the light and magnificence overwhelmed me. At first I could only speak to him for a few minutes. It was as if his energy was too strong for me. Over time I have become more used to the scale of the love and magnificence he brings with him. I feel so truly blessed to experience this is such a tangible way. I know that not everyone who would like to speak to him can hear his reply. But I do know that he is by the side of all that ask him to walk with him. The energy of him is all around and available to anyone who asks for it.

This site was originally called ‘Bluedogbob’. I contacted the creator of the site, T.Michael, after I had a surprising connection with Buddha in my living room during meditation. Like Jesus before, he approached me. As I was coming out of meditation I heard a voice asking me to turn around. I did and there he was in front of me- a giant smile in the middle of bright golden light. I was shocked, which seemed to amuse him, and he began to speak about the nature of mind and of reality. I immediately asked if I could speak with him regularly and become his student. He agreed. I would sit and receive his teachings and work with them for a period of time. It didn’t seem right to me that others were less able to receive this magnificent gift so I asked if I could share them. With another big grin he agreed. I reckon he knew I would ask that before he first spoke with me.

The posts that appear from me are shared in the hope that you too can benefit from their words, meaning and the glorious energy that comes with them. I am lucky to be able to converse with with Jesus and Buddha on any subject. What I choose to post is the lessons they give me with the understanding that I will share them with you.

I hope you enjoy them and it’s my hope that their magnificence touches your life as it has done mine.

If you want to read more about us please visit the FAQ’S page.

With Love


Resist Nothing: Buddha with Zoe

Resist Nothing, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/resist-nothing/ ‎
Resist nothing

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: Resist Nothing. 

Buddha: Let me explain what this means.

For mind and mastery to be complete there needs to be a full understanding of the nature of mind; the workings of mind and the ability from that therefore to direct mind.  “Resist nothing” does not refer to earthly pleasures or deliberately indulging in squalid, dirty, self gratification states.  However, the fear that that is where the mind could take one, means that one resists certain thoughts, urges and in the resistance, one becomes unable to see what is real.  In other words the fear of what might be real creates resistance so that reality is never quite achieved albeit heavily sought by the individual.

Your mind takes you in a myriad of directions always towards the same point though: truth, honor, trust, faith, strength.  Yet this is not the experience of mind that people have.  Indeed for most mind is perpetual thinking, perpetual thoughts that take you in a myriad of directions.  When one approaches a type of thought that one identifies as ‘bad’, such as what we have already spoken about- thoughts of squalor, deprivation, etc,- one immediately sensors those thoughts. Yet where do these thoughts come from?  Why would you sensor one and not all thought? For if we were to be fully present we would be aware of the nature of our thoughts.

I will try to keep this clear on this occasion.  Mind is strength, faith, focus, union with spirit.  It is a gateway to the essence, to the soul, to God, and the God experience.  The road to this is paved and littered with thought.  These thoughts are like leaves fallen from the trees in autumn and how we choose to respond to our journey, whilst in body, is often to become distracted by the thoughts that are on the path: to the point that we become concerned only with the nature of the leaves and the nature of do we like the leaves.  And we have forgotten that the purpose of the path is to bring us to union, union with ourselves in the arms of God.  Therefore resist no leaf.  As you are dedicated to following your path- the path to you, the path to union with God – falsehood comes only from focusing and identifying and creating relationships with thought forms.  Therefore resist nothing.  Accept all and continue on your journey where we will await you.

© Zoe 2015

Breath: Buddha with Zoe

Breath, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/breath/

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: Breath


Buddha: Reluctance to pursue that which is of most importance is a trait that almost all in humanity are blinded by.

Anyone who has ever achieved anything has focused and taken away their reluctance and what they achieved in is what they considered important.  Priority is the breath: the priority is understanding that today you are alive no matter what is happening in the world around you or in your own mind: here you are.

Breath: know that there is nothing to fear in the breathe and very rarely is there anything to fear in the present moment.

Work on this today and I will be with you.

© Zoe 2015

All Is Impermanent: Buddha with Zoe

All Is Impermanent, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/all-is-impermanent/ ‎
All is Impermanent

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: All Is Impermanent

Buddha: Begin now to look at the world the way we see it.  This world is of temporary form- always shifting, always moving out, shifting each of your every lives.  This world that you live in is bigger, bolder and greater than the individual life that you currently inhabit.

With this knowledge learn to respect the earth.  Learn to keep the earth’s greatness in your mind and with every choice that you make be aware of consequence.  I say this to each and every one of you.Yet do not become fixed on the permanence of damage or sustainability or even on life itself.

Think of yourself as in transit. You are always moving from one form into another.  Birth, life stages, days, places that you visit- always moving in and out of form.  Not just within the lifetime of the soul but within the lifetime even of the day.  One moment is always different from the next, yet you remain.  So treat your host with respect and dignity, your host the earth. You are traveling through this lifetime and leave it well.

Begin to recognize that there are those that have gone before you who knew and understood this and worked to leave no footprint of themselves upon the earth. Take a step towards this. This will do two things: Firstly this will give the respect to the earth that it deserves. Secondly this will begin to train you in the nature of your reality right now as you sit and read these words. This moment, whilst real now, will be gone in a moment from now. Take from it what you need. Recognize the impermanence of all and become still and settled within that. Great is the suffering of the many who try and fix points through time, through desire.

Whilst great things can be achieved within a lifetime, within a year, within a month, a week, a day, all is just single moments threaded together. All is impermanent.

I taught to think of moments, of actions, of words spoken to others, of thoughts, all of these as beads on string. Each bead represents that thought, that moment, that desire, that action. This will be the legacy that the soul will carry forth from you. You will with you a string of beads and on that string will be your decisions whether you have been conscious of them or not. This is what you will take to what id beyond form. I taught that this is all that is important- a string of beads- and that isn’t even real in form but metaphysical.

Today I will teach you to value the impact of your life, your choices. Delve into your thoughts, your desires to help you become aware of the impact of your life and your choices, conscious or not.

Life is different today. Different in the fact that impact is greater, desire is greater, restlessness and suffering is greater and this happens at a time when many of you have more of that which is in form. Therefore switch your focus from your daytime job to give you things, material forms, and instead focus on your inner world. This is your real job and it matters not what you do in the world of form. What matters is how. Bring conscious awareness into your life, into your moment and learn to keep the focus on your internal world. learn to become aware of when you become out of yourself and learn to hold the moments where you are inside. Inside your body, inside your life, inside what you are doing- this is where you meet the present. This is where you are doing you inner work.

And this is all for today.

© Zoe 2015

Look Within: Buddha with Zoe

Look within, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/method-of-madness/ ‎
Look within

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: In Times of Fear and Uncertainty Look Within


Buddha: We are living in a time of collective madness.  We are living in societies and civilizations, not all but most, where people are living with a collective consciousness below that of hysteria.  The threat is believed to come from every angle: from economic downturn, from terrorists, from immigrants, from racial minorities.

Within this context many of you will become uncomfortable, unable to function to the best of your abilities and unable to accept this way of being for yourself, for your community, for your country anymore.

When these times arise there is only one place to look that is not in defensive strategies, that is not in armament either of weapon or money.  The time to look is the time to look inside and to learn to become one with what you find there in. There is nothing to be frightened or fearful of inside of yourself.  There is nothing inside you that, with focus and dedication, cannot be turned into gold.  So during this time look inside without fear. There will be great reticence initially at doing this for what is hidden has been hidden for good reason or so the mind has told you.  But it is illusion as I repeat there is nothing that is within any human alive that cannot be turned into gold, that cannot be turned into the seeker and even the finder of better states of being.

I have been asked, “Why look within? Why will looking within and becoming at peace with what one finds be a strategy in uncertain times such as these?”

You are connected to the collective mind, to the consciousness of humanity.  For the consciousness to change be the change.  If enough people in uncertain times become stable and solid and stalwart then peace will be able to return.  Think of a life or death situation that is being faced by a group of people.  If there is one that is able to find the peace, the strength, the courage to stay in the moment and to deal with what is happening, that one is able to impact the hysteria of the many; not always successfully but impact would be made.

Now think if there were two or three or four, the odds are getting better aren’t they.  So in uncertain times when one is concerned with ones material future switch to ones interior future and begin the work.  By creating stillness, by allowing the system to harmonize, you will not only make more logical and grounded steps you will also impact the collective of everyone around you.

This is all for today.

© Zoe 2015

Where Are You? An Exercise: Buddha with Zoe

Where are you? An Exercise, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/where-are-you-an-exercise/ ‎
Where are you?

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: Where are you? An Exercise

Buddha: So reader, with a pen and paper in front of you draw a square and put you name inside the square.

Now where are you, are you in your body or are you in the square?  Are you in both?  For those of you who are acquainted with the sensations of energy, are you pulled into the square therefore connected to it or do you simply feel nothing at all?

Now draw a circle under the square, put your name in this.  Draw a line connecting the square to the circle.  Where are you now? You are in your body, you are in the square, you are also in the circle and you have made a connection.

Now below the circle draw a square and write the name of your sibling or the name of your friend.  Where are you now?  You are in your body, you are in your square, your circle, the connections between your square and your circle.  Are you in this square with your sibling or friends name?  No for you can’t.  For those of you who are sensitive to energies do you feel attracted or repelled to the square with another name in it?  This square, with the other name in it, is a form that is separate to your own yet can you enter that form?  No. You can depict that form in letters and shape.  This has often been the case with art but can you enter the form of another?  No.

So you cannot enter the form of another.  But you can enter other forms of yourself.  Now I will try not to speak in riddles as this is a subject that I could speak about for many hours.

You, whilst here on earth, have a body yet you are able to put parts of yourself into form that is outside of your body.  You do this with your work.  You do this with your food when you create a meal.  With every creative project you put part of yourself and you become linked to that creative project.  So you create a trail whilst living; a trail of essence or, at least those who are working and connected to their essence, create this.

There is a piece of you in everything you will do, in everything you have ever done.  And this is deliberately been designed to be the case.  You are unbelievably creative and invest you in everything you do.  Yet the great experience for most of you is life lives on automatic pilot or with resistance.  Would you change what you did and what you do if you knew that part of yourself became invested in it and connected to it?

This is my question for all of you today.  You cannot escape your actions, the choices.  This is so.  At all times you can also change form.  This is so.  So when you realize that you have been drawing squares through deeds and realize that you do not like the fact that part of you is invested in a square then you can simply start from that point to draw a circle or any other shape you fancy.  For whilst you need to reconcile what has been done with what you do, with the present and with where you are, know that you can also use the present to create a new.

This is my lesson for today.

© Zoe 2015


An Exercise in Kindness: Buddha with Zoe

An exercise in human Kindness, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/an-exercise-in-kindness/
An exercise in kindness

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: An Exercise in Kindness


Buddha: Today we speak about the milk of human kindness.  Consider acting as if you are the kindest person ever placed on earth.  Try for one day, one hour, one minute to be kind in thought, action and deed.  Practice this.  After you have done so ask yourself how do you feel? Better or worse?  Give yourself a target time that you feel you can aim for and achieve whether this is one minute, one hour, one day, one week.  Work towards becoming the kindest you can be.  Even in the moments where worry, fear, anger and resentment arise.  Test yourself to see how quickly you can return to conscious kindness.

This in your lesson for today.

© Zoe 2015

Becoming a Strong Gentle: Buddha with Zoe

Strong Gentle, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/becoming-a-strong-gentle/
Strong entle

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: A Strong Gentle

Buddha: In the past the Gentles have been overrun, spoken over and deemed less worthy, less capable, less smart, less flash. The time is changing for this so fortify yourself now. Allow the strength of your gentleness to take hold.

© Zoe 2015