Category Archives: All

A Love Revolution: Jesus with Zoe

Love Revolution,…-jesus-and-zoe/ ‎
Love revolution

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: A Love Revolution

Jesus: Each of you are accountable for thought, deed on yourself and others.  Knowing this would you change?  Each of you, strong as you may be, are linked in the chain of humanity.  Knowing that this then makes you as strong as the weakest, what would you do?  Give thought to this.  If desire to act emerges, ensure you are motivated with love and compassion to ease the suffering of the poor, helpless and hopeless.  Otherwise your efforts are in vain.

We see into the hearts of men.  Join us in a love revolution.

© Zoe 2015

Build A Better World: Jesus with Zoe

Build A Better World,…-jesus-and-zoe/ ‎
Build a better world

Conversations with Jesus and Zoe: Build A Better World 

Jesus: You walk through the lives of many each and every one of you.  Ask yourself what do you leave behind?  Promise, faith, hope, smiles?  Anger, resentment, fear, alienation, isolation?  Make sure you are aware of the impact.  Think of the child responding to the mood of the adult.  What do you wish your legacy to be?  With each step, each glance, each phone call, each hug you interact with another.  Even in thoughts.  Nothing is invisible.  If you could see your “effect” or residue as tangibly as a badge of emotion on another- and you knew that they could also see the badge that your impact had- would you change?

Let’s build a better world.  It only takes you.  Together we will succeed.


© Zoe 2015

Why Do I Not Intervene?: Jesus with Zoe

Why I don't intervene, ‎
Why do I not intervene?

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Why I Do Not Intervene

Jesus: I am often asked why do I not come and stop or intervene the destructive acts of man.

I am a force – a force that is there, that can be tapped into.  I cannot and will not use my power to impose myself on any person, event, deed, nation.  I am here but I must be found.

Turn to me and I will help lift you – restoring hope, buoyancy and help through the trying times.  Let my light lift and guide you through your path and journey during life.  I am here and always near.  I am to be found not to be forced.

With love.

© Zoe 2015

In the Present: Jesus with Zoe

In The Present, ‎
In the present

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: In the Present

Jesus: Many things are left as yet untold for you.

Why do you exist?  What can happen tomorrow?  Will I be this or that?

This is the way that life was planned.  It is designed to keep you in the present.

In the present you can become aware of all that is manifest, manifold and ultimately the glory of God.

Be with me now in this moment.

Forever, Amen.

© Zoe 2015

Milk of Human Kindness: Jesus with Zoe

Milk of Human Kindness,…jesus-with-zoe/ ‎
Milk of human kindness

Conversations with Jesus and Zoe: Milk of Human Kindness

Jesus: Today is a day when we talk about the milk of human kindness.

Nothing is more important than kind, thought, word, action and deed.

Think of it: if all were kind what a very different world we’d live in.

Work towards this in your own life.  Have faith in the power of this even when it feels that no-one else is showing you kindness and compassion.  Be the beacon and be the change.


© Zoe 2015

Worry: Jesus with Zoe


Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Worry

Jesus: Worry wastes life force, distracts you from understanding the true nature of all that is you and all that surrounds you.  Let worry drop from your mind and permit it to drop from the minds of those surrounding you.  Letting go of worry will help those of you who want to find me.  I am the simple, the eternal: I never worry.  All is well.  Let go of the worry and join me.

© Zoe 2015

Happiness: Jesus with Zoe


Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Happiness

Jesus: Happiness is the gateway to God.  Allowing oneself to be happy is the key.

Do you know that many of you think that happiness is for other people, at the end of a pay cheque or might become yours tomorrow?

Happiness is your right and it is your natural state.  Your bodies were formed to function at best when you are happy.  Your minds become clearer when you are happier.  Your spirits lift and you naturally move to become closer with us, closer to all that is.

Therefore today allow yourself to be happy.  Permit yourself to smile.  Engage with the beauty around you and come and meet me.

You deserve happiness and it can be yours.

© Zoe 2015

Alleviate Suffering: Jesus with Zoe

Alleviate Suffering,…jesus-with-zoe/ ‎E
Alleviate suffering

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Alleviate Suffering


JesusThe suffering of many can be greatly alleviated by the few.  Ensure the people you place in power represent your desires in relieving the pain of many, either by direct action, lobbying or simply standing up and speaking.  The time to take a stand for what is important is now.  For those of you without a voice, without faith and hope of relief, understand that your time will come.  Your suffering does not go unnoticed and you are never unloved.

For those of you with voice, with means or capability, take a stand for your fellow men.  Your fate is their fate.  Consider that at the day of reckoning your individual lives may be measured against the fate of your peoples as a whole.  I say this not to instill fear or guilt but to simply provide you with an opportunity to refocus, make choices and serve the whole rather than the self in isolation of the world around you.

Do what you can with peace, faith and hope as your bastions.  My work is through you workings.

With love.

© Zoe 2015

Rest Is Not Laziness: Jesus with Zoe

Rest Is Not Laziness,…jesus-with-zoe/ ‎
Rest is not laziness

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Rest is not Laziness

Jesus: Knowing when to rest is important.  There are times to reap, times to sow and times to rest.  Rest is not laziness but a necessary part of being alive.  Give this to yourself freely and without guilt.

With love.

© Zoe 2015

Message of Hope and Light Part 2: Jesus with Zoe

Hope and Light Part 2, ‎E
Hope and light part 2

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Message of Hope and Light Part 2

Jesus: When the candle is dimmed or shines brightly it is responding to changes in atmosphere.

You too respond to these changes.  Make hope the atmosphere you live in and do all you can to keep that hope alive.

Soon you will begin to shine brightly just as the candle.

With love.

© Zoe 2015

For Part 1 click here.