Jesus: Worry wastes life force, distracts you from understanding the true nature of all that is you and all that surrounds you. Let worry drop from your mind and permit it to drop from the minds of those surrounding you. Letting go of worry will help those of you who want to find me. I am the simple, the eternal: I never worry. All is well. Let go of the worry and join me.
Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: An Exercise in Kindness
Buddha: Today we speak about the milk of human kindness. Consider acting as if you are the kindest person ever placed on earth. Try for one day, one hour, one minute to be kind in thought, action and deed. Practice this. After you have done so ask yourself how do you feel? Better or worse? Give yourself a target time that you feel you can aim for and achieve whether this is one minute, one hour, one day, one week. Work towards becoming the kindest you can be. Even in the moments where worry, fear, anger and resentment arise. Test yourself to see how quickly you can return to conscious kindness.