Tag Archives: resentment

Build A Better World: Jesus with Zoe

Build A Better World, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/build-a-better…-jesus-and-zoe/ ‎
Build a better world

Conversations with Jesus and Zoe: Build A Better World 

Jesus: You walk through the lives of many each and every one of you.  Ask yourself what do you leave behind?  Promise, faith, hope, smiles?  Anger, resentment, fear, alienation, isolation?  Make sure you are aware of the impact.  Think of the child responding to the mood of the adult.  What do you wish your legacy to be?  With each step, each glance, each phone call, each hug you interact with another.  Even in thoughts.  Nothing is invisible.  If you could see your “effect” or residue as tangibly as a badge of emotion on another- and you knew that they could also see the badge that your impact had- would you change?

Let’s build a better world.  It only takes you.  Together we will succeed.


© Zoe 2015