Tag Archives: Master Buddha

Right Action for Health: Buddha with Zoe

right action for health, Snowpath
Right action for health

Note from Zoe: Yesterday I had a personal conversation with Jesus who was enlightening my friend and I on taking ‘right action’, particularly in regards to health. Buddha took this further when we ‘spoke’. The capital letters are his.

Conversations with Buddha and Zoe: Right Action for Health

Buddha: Yesterday Zoe, you heard my colleague speak to you about the need for right action and proper rest. Let me recap for everyone.

‘Right action’ is when you are choosing to take a course, undertake the course, when it is right for you. Not right for another, but right for you. Of course nothing that could ever be truly right action for you could involve harming another because that is not how you are designed. Right action is when you choose to truly fulfill yourself and take steps to achieve that. It is through this right action, together with right reason and circumstance, that health and well-being are promoted. Quite simply deep fulfillment makes illness impossible.

Right action makes illness a fleeting guest in the house of the body. You are learning this Zoe. The fulfillment needs to be deep and deeply personal to the individual. Whatever it is! Picking up a needle and thread, climbing a mountain, watching an apple grow, making a deal. It is only through deep fulfillment- unique to every individual- that illness is made a hasty guest.

Rest is important too. However, rest WHEN THE BODY IS TIRED! Many of you today rest when your mind is tired. The body must still be rewarded for giving you a vehicle in which you exist. Move the body during the day till it is tired. If you return from work and you feel tired asked yourself who is tired? Your body? Your mind? Your spirit? This is important. Rest the BODY when tired. Rest the mind when the mind is tired. But do not forget the needs of the body, if actually your body is never tired by your work. This is very important if you wish illness to stay infrequently, if at all.

Now WHEN the body is tired- REST. But the mind will need to facilitate this rest, otherwise all that will be experienced is a temporary cessation of movement without deep regeneration. Practically rest when your body is tired and ENJOY it. Even if it’s the flu- enjoy giving the body what it needs. This mental and emotional willingness to physically rest promotes deep regeneration. And, if the body is tired, this is what it needs. As a course of right action, give it this.

Be mindful though of over inactivity- a problem I see as I look on. The body can’t be tired if not worked, unless ill or undergoing deep regenerative transformation and healing. The body cannot be healthful if its needs are not met- to move. Nor can you if you are not giving yourself fulfillment through right action. This is a process that needs to be relearned to accommodate the shift in lifestyle that has occurred.

Think on this today.

© Zoe 2015

A Look At The Inside: Buddha with Zoe

Look, Moon like eye
A look at the inside

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: A Look At The Inside

Buddha: Stop. Put your feet on the ground. Take a look at yourself- from the inside. What do you see?

Whatever it is let it be- try not to judge or criticize it for being there; an aspect of you normally without a voice.

Would you like to get to know that aspect of self?


Then do. It can’t harm you. No? What is there to be scared of? A feeling? A picture in your head? A voice?

None of it matters. Finding harmony with self, wholeness does.

Try this exercise if you haven’t already.

© Zoe 2015

Service By BEing not Doing: Buddha with Zoe

Be to serve, not do, Northern stones
BE to serve, not do

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: Service By BEing not Doing

Buddha: It has been a while since you engaged with me Zoe. Your life has been taken up by self and selfless work and action. As you, and others like you, work to bring yourself into harmony with All that is, it becomes easier for others. Those of you doing this now are like pioneers; trailblazers who walk a path that allows others to walk after you. How does this work? By BEing, you energetically entrain others that coexist/coincide with you physically as well as through the remit of your work. You, and others, need not DO anything other than allow that which is existing in your space and time to BE and eventually flow from you.

There will be others who will read this and recognize this in themselves. This is good. I say to you, you do not need to DO anything with this unless urged from within. You need to worship the sacred, the eternal, the vivacity of life. It is by living and doing that, that you do the same service as others who lift humanity through their physical daily actions and work. So let us be clear on this. There is just you and your honoring of that BEing, that space within. Give it life, honor and respect and you do your spiritual work as you occupy your time on earth whatever your physical deed and action.

This is all.

© Zoe 2015

BEing the All: Buddha with Zoe

Being the all, Sunburstclouds
BEing the all


Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: BEing the All

Buddha: My time on earth was a fascinating one. I lived, I loved, I laughed, I lost, I was found and I was.

I still am. Some ask me what am I? Am I air? Sand? Sea? Surf?

I am a resolute force. Do you like my use of the word ‘resolute’ after our last post? This is what I am. I am one with a single purpose: to lift mankind out of the depths of their illusion and allow them to understand their nature as Beings of All. There is no difference between you and another and another and you. This is all falsehood and illusion. Nothing exists as an entity separate from the self, and the self cannot exist as separate from the All.

What is All? Everything. So why wonder about it when you can BE it. BE it today. Practice Being the All today with me. This is just an intention to set forth into this world- nothing more. Who know- we may have fun!

© Zoe 2015

Resolution: Buddha with Zoe

Resolution, Trees winter sunset

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: Resolution

Buddha: We wish to speak with you today about resolution and a resolute day.

Many of you have set New Year resolutions. You are thinking and feeling about what you want and don’t want. This is fine. In fact it can become a good practice. So, let’s make it so.

Resolution- decision without question. Desire to carry thought form into life through action and emotional and mental dedication.

Resolute day-a day where you decide you will resolve on action and remain dedicated to your course or your decision despite what others matters come your way.

Can you see and feel how learning this may help you in times to come? We can. So try. Take one thing today and be resolute. Unite with mind and emotion and make action from this healthy union.

This is all for today.

© Zoe 2015