Jesus: Learn to hold your own. Always listen to the voice of others and reflect on what is said. However do so from a place of strength and have courage to trust what you feel and know inside you. Hold your own. It is a brave and good man who can reflect on the opinions of others and hold his own course.
These conversations are my, TMichael’s, metalogues. I go into a meditative state and tap my creative imagination and whatever may exist in a higher state realm. I don’t claim to know what that is and I’ve given up regular speculation, because I’ve accepted that it’s unknowable.
My observations of the actual conversations that are transcribed are that the body of what is said bears minor resemblance to what I may have thought myself, but most of it is new to me. I don’t know how to explain that. I do premeditate prior to the meditative state whether I’ll converse with Jesus or Buddha. Beyond that everything just comes through and I transcribe it.
Feel free to leave a comment on any conversation.
If you want to know more about us please visit the FAQ’s page.
I, Zoe, been a healer helping people for over 10 years. Coming from a line of women who were and are able to connect to Spirit in a variety of forms, it wasn’t at all surprising when my abilities to work with, feel and see Spirit also became hearing Spirit. At first I kept these abilities to myself. Nervously I began to bring forward the messages to a few friends and clients. As I began to trust the process, channelling became part of what I offered clients in my practice. In my healing work I would regularly clairvoyantly see and feel people’s helpers. One day, when I was working on a client’s energy field, I became aware of a very bright light and magnificent presence coming towards me. It started speaking to me inside my mind. I was immediately overwhelmed, humbled and spontaneously began to weep without sound. I began to ‘see’ who it was- Jesus.
I was stunned for weeks. Eventually I summoned the courage to see if I could reach him. I settled myself, meditated, asked the question in my mind and once again the light and magnificence overwhelmed me. At first I could only speak to him for a few minutes. It was as if his energy was too strong for me. Over time I have become more used to the scale of the love and magnificence he brings with him. I feel so truly blessed to experience this is such a tangible way. I know that not everyone who would like to speak to him can hear his reply. But I do know that he is by the side of all that ask him to walk with him. The energy of him is all around and available to anyone who asks for it.
This site was originally called ‘Bluedogbob’. I contacted the creator of the site, T.Michael, after I had a surprising connection with Buddha in my living room during meditation. Like Jesus before, he approached me. As I was coming out of meditation I heard a voice asking me to turn around. I did and there he was in front of me- a giant smile in the middle of bright golden light. I was shocked, which seemed to amuse him, and he began to speak about the nature of mind and of reality. I immediately asked if I could speak with him regularly and become his student. He agreed. I would sit and receive his teachings and work with them for a period of time. It didn’t seem right to me that others were less able to receive this magnificent gift so I asked if I could share them. With another big grin he agreed. I reckon he knew I would ask that before he first spoke with me.
The posts that appear from me are shared in the hope that you too can benefit from their words, meaning and the glorious energy that comes with them. I am lucky to be able to converse with with Jesus and Buddha on any subject. What I choose to post is the lessons they give me with the understanding that I will share them with you.
I hope you enjoy them and it’s my hope that their magnificence touches your life as it has done mine.
If you want to read more about us please visit the FAQ’S page.
When I first began to record these conversations I was having with Jesus it felt as though he was giving me instructions for spiritual exercises. I took these instructions seriously and have practiced what he has suggested. I post this series of conversations with Jesus so perhaps you can try them too. As I began to open in order to hear, I could hear A Beatles song in my mind. The message came through, short and sweet and full of love and humor.
Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Love is All you Need
Background to Conversations with Jesus and Zoe: Love Thy Neighbour
Love thy neighbour
When I first began to record these conversations I was having with Jesus it felt as though he was giving me instructions for spiritual exercises. I took these instructions seriously and have practiced what he has suggested. I post this series of conversations with Jesus so perhaps you can try them too.
Conversations with Jesus and Zoe: Love thy Neighbour
Jesus: Love thy neighbour as you love thyself, for I am as much in them as you. Look for me in their eyes and extend the arm of friendship, love and compassion. There is little need for anything else – ever.
My (TMichael’s) intent in creating this site is to express a contemporary perspective on many of the challenges humanity faces presented in the words of Jesus and Buddha as they converse with me during meditation. Maybe this can help someone in a time of need for comfort and understanding. Maybe it can stimulate thought in someone else
Background to Conversation with Buddha, Jesus and TMichael: The Differences between Religions
TMichael: I read this blog post (the differences between Jesus and Buddha on happiness) and asked Masters Jesus and Buddha to comment. What follows is their response…
Master Buddha: It is always amazing to me how the adherents of one religion can so easily dismiss the legitimacy of another religion with the slimmest of knowledge. I’m speaking here of how Buddhists the world over dismiss Christians as being fanatical and emotional. And in this one blog post we learn that isn’t true at all. Christians are just not very smart.
Master Jesus: I couldn’t agree more with you. Buddhists dismiss Christians. And on the scantiest of knowledge. I think it’s clear who is the smarter religionist. And it doesn’t begin with a ‘B’.
Master Buddha: While I fully respect your opinion and right to make such a statement, I think you should take it back.
Master Jesus: Who’s going to make me?
Master Buddha: I can recruit the Hindus you know.
Master Jesus: Well, you’ll need them because we all know what a push over Buddhists are when it comes to defending themselves.
Master Buddha: Your mother wears army boots.
Master Jesus: Okay, that’s going too far.
Master Buddha: Does that answer your question about how we view such topics? It’s petty competition between non-existent differences that make the adherents appear small and weak for engaging in such a waste of time and energy. Why do men and women of such fervent religious beliefs think that they must attack other religions in the way one toothpaste manufacturer attacks the market share of another? Can they not see that the aim of all religions ought to be the elevation of human spirit, which includes all humans?
Master Jesus: We love mankind. Every day we strive to bring humanity closer to the spiritual kingdom. Buddha and I work in tandem. There is no contradiction in our work or in our goals for humanity. I ask Christians everywhere to embrace the love of all religions and reject the pettiness of competition. It isn’t necessary to belittle another religion in order to promote one’s own. There is nothing better that comes from one religion that proves supremacy. It only displays self-righteousness when one attempts to demonstrate superiority of one’s religion.
Master Buddha: We represent love, kindness, compassion and unity for all humanity. That is our mission. Anything else that you imagine coming from us is pure mental illusion. It’s time to forget the differences you perceive. Or least explore the differences from a perspective of positive curiosity, not derision and ridicule.
Master Jesus: Our love is larger than any dispute that could arise over ideas planted in religion or politics. Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. Do you really want to spend your last days on Earth fighting over whose religious teachings are the best? We are unified. It is time for Christians and Buddhists and Muslims, and all religionists to lay down their arms and embrace one another as friends.
Master Buddha: We aren’t naïve. We understand why people fight over religious points of view and affiliation. It’s time to stop. We aren’t going to present eloquent arguments filled with platitudes to persuade people to stop. We just ask. Please stop it now. If you find any love and compassion in any religious teaching, then that is your starting point. Apply it now.
Conversation with Jesus and TMichael: Love and Loneliness (Part 3)
TM: I recently had an experience that put to test what we discussed in parts one and two on loneliness. Someone very close to me wanted to die because of severe loneliness, alienation, etc. The ideas that we discussed seemed so intellectual and abstract that she couldn’t bear to listen or discuss them. She wanted to die because she didn’t care about anything. What would you do for someone is this shape?
Master Jesus: Love her first. Love her with all your heart. Let the power of love pierce her fog of confusion. Each person will respond differently to mental concepts, but all will respond to the purity of love in the same way.
TM: I don’t know what that means or how to do that.
Master Jesus: It means that your heart informs you and moves you to action, not the mind. When the mind argues and rationalizes a point to her, the heart just embraces her for who and what she is. The mind suggests changes immediately, the heart accepts first. The mind demands discipline and compliance, the heart offers comfort.
TM: Yes, but if she has reached this point, it’s because of behavioral patterns that need augmenting. Isn’t what you’re suggesting just a form of enabling the behavior that is so destructive?
Master Jesus: I’m speaking about first responses. The changes will come only when she feels love, first from you then from herself. Any changes prior to experiencing love are subject to disruption with the slightest provocation. No matter how sound your mental concepts are, they will wither and fall away if the emotional turmoil is present. The problem is that the emotional powers are tethered to older thought forms that are made even more powerful when denied or left unaddressed through unconsciousness. Love begins the dissipation process and provides the strength required to weather the battle. It must be experienced first; that’s why I say to you to lead with love.
Conversation with Jesus and TMichael: Jesus Answers a Reader’s Question
TMichael: Christine C. submitted the following questions. Your sincere questions are welcome and I’ll do my best to include them in a conversation for publication from time to time.
Q: Christine C. asks:
“It is written that our DNA is many strands short of what was originally intended for “human beings”, and that unseen powers (to us earthlings) altered DNA. I agree that humans have spiritually existed primarily from faith as our awareness is veiled for reasons possibly connected to the same powers (or for the continued exercise of faith?). At what point does the planet deserve divine assistance, possibly in reconnecting the DNA, thus greater awareness and resulting better health? When does the veil lift for humanity? What purpose does the veil serve?”
A: Master Jesus: There are many perspectives on what has happened on Earth to interfere with humanity’s progress. This is a major one and the ones making the claim do so without complete disclosure of the facts. While they are well-intentioned in their aim, they are withholding information about their own role in this ordeal. I will not go into to the detail, but I will summarize by saying that there was a heated dispute around the DNA issue, and the prevailing side took advantage of a technicality to rush their point of view into place. The group who caused publication of this claim created the technical default through their actions. So, while the outcome is as you have stated, the motives behind it were not sinister as has been portrayed.
It does not matter what could have been, we must take responsibility for what it is now. Divine assistance, meaning assistance from the spiritual realm, has been and continues to be an integral part of the evolution of Earth. There are at present over 3 billion spirit beings attached to Earth service. Some reside within the sphere and others work from distant posts. The dedication and loyalty to humanity is unsurpassed.
Some humans are ready for higher levels of awareness, but most are not. It is our role to lift those who are unprepared to a point that they can receive greater awareness. We do so by offering love and light to all who live upon Earth. We work diligently with individuals and groups to open their senses and their understanding to higher ideals.
The veil, as you call it, represents the darkness of ignorance. Humanity must take responsibility for its part. So long as humanity’s focus is steeped predominately in materiality, ignorance of your true essence will be concealed. The deeper your daily lives become intertwined in material survival and accumulation of material security, the less energy you have for discovering the truth about yourselves. Humanity has the power to turn this around. Those of us in the spiritual realm are here to assist and stand ready to offer all that is needed.
Q: Christine C. asks:
“From another perspective, it is written that this marvelous Earth is the place for emotional healing, divine healing, from the original cause. It is easy to see that if we each heal individually, if we are fortunate enough to have the tools for understanding, that the resulting connection with each other is another path to awareness. Again we are pulling in other “times” of our existence for which we are now responsible. Is this also deserving of divine help on a world wide or even universal scale to assist in blowing away the mists of misperception, thus clearing the way for more wonderful loving vistas?”
A: Master Jesus: This is true. A key to understanding the potential is to discover the minimum of your own. That serves as inspiration to continue and to connect with others along the lines of love and light. Those terms, love and light, are used often and yet what do we mean by them? In these conversations we have talked much about love and what it is, but never can we do justice to the complete experience of love through these words. Light understanding is in a similar predicament. The two go together in a way that makes a description feeble in capturing the true experience. And yet the faithful, those who have glimpsed even a moment of the experience witness to others the splendor achieved. Who is insane? Who is misinformed? Is it the one who clings to material possessions and property rights as supreme to human rights? Or is it the one who claims spiritual sovereignty in the face of doubt and contradiction?
Your better human nature is pitted against your false concepts of reality and it is a battle that shall conclude in victory for the better nature. How you get there is your choice as well as how long it takes. Each generation is challenged with living with, through and transforming to some small degree, the actions of previous generations. Be gentle with yourselves as you evaluate your progress within each turn. Love and light shall be yours. It only requires your openness to receive. Once you receive it you will share it, and once you share it you will rejoice in its endless bounty.