Conversations with Jesus and Zoe: Lesson on Love Part 3
Jesus: It is not easy to love in the face of adversity. Love is a state that can be cultivated easily for it is your natural state! It is only the stresses and fears of modern life that separates you from your love and others for your love too.
Love is not for sunshine days but for rainy days too. (It is especially effective then.)
Learn to cultivate love in your everyday reality and come closer to me.
How do you do that? Make it your intention to practice love throughout the day. Pay particular attention to times when you disconnect from love (it will be a time of perceived slight) and then reconnect.
Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Lesson on Love Part 2
Jesus: Giving love freely without needing permission or having expectation is lesson 1. Lesson 2 is learning to love what is yours and not what is someone else’s or something you don’t have.
Many of you ask me for help and I help. I wish to help further by making you aware that the source of pain is often your own inability to love who, what and where you are now. I love you in this moment. Not when you are thinner, more beautiful, more wealthy, have time, make more effort or on a good day. Love does not exist outside of you. It exists inside you and it is always there. Learn to accept you now. Learn to love your self now. This is my greatest hope and wish for you.
Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Lesson on Love Part 1
Jesus: Many of my children hold back their love. They believe that if it’s not reciprocated then they will feel shame. This is not the meaning of love. Love is to be given generously, and not just to a small few. Learn to give love freely. To you, your family, friends, colleagues, strangers, even enemies. Do not hold yourself back from this and await permission for love to be granted from another. This leads to whole families, communities, even nations repressing their God given right to love and care for each other, and this is a sorry state of affairs.
Try giving love today, without fear, guilt or shame. Know that by giving you move closer to me and the love I share with you.
You are always loved. This is what it means to be a child of God.
Jesus: Learn to hold your own. Always listen to the voice of others and reflect on what is said. However do so from a place of strength and have courage to trust what you feel and know inside you. Hold your own. It is a brave and good man who can reflect on the opinions of others and hold his own course.
When I first began to record these conversations I was having with Jesus it felt as though he was giving me instructions for spiritual exercises. I took these instructions seriously and have practiced what he has suggested. I post this series of conversations with Jesus so perhaps you can try them too. As I began to open in order to hear, I could hear A Beatles song in my mind. The message came through, short and sweet and full of love and humor.
Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Love is All you Need
Background to Conversations with Jesus and Zoe: Love Thy Neighbour
Love thy neighbour
When I first began to record these conversations I was having with Jesus it felt as though he was giving me instructions for spiritual exercises. I took these instructions seriously and have practiced what he has suggested. I post this series of conversations with Jesus so perhaps you can try them too.
Conversations with Jesus and Zoe: Love thy Neighbour
Jesus: Love thy neighbour as you love thyself, for I am as much in them as you. Look for me in their eyes and extend the arm of friendship, love and compassion. There is little need for anything else – ever.