Tag Archives: destruction

Similarities: Jesus with Zoe

Similarities,  https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/similarities-jesus-with-zoe/

Conversations with Zoe and Jesus: Similarities

Jesus: The time is now to rest your arms against your fellow man.  The time for destruction based on separation (you there, me here) is over.  Unite.

This isn’t just warring parties but for each individual.

Who carries destruction through separation in his/her mind.  End the discrimination.  End the bitterness and envy towards others.  End this now and you will be freed from the coming wave.

So for today work to see the similarities in one another.  Resolve to explore what you share and not desire to withhold apart.

© Zoe 2015

Reason: Jesus with Zoe

Reason, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/reason-jesus-and-zoe/ ‎

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Reason

Jesus: Reason used divorced from heart or larger perspective does not serve man.  How many wars have seemed reasonable?  How many justified actions based on ‘reason’ have resulted in further destruction?

Reason, a marvellous human tool when used with love and companion, ends all wars, forgives all foes for what else is there?  More death?  Destruction?

Next time when you believe you are being ‘reasonable’ ensure that your reason is in harmony with your heart and you have considered the consequences of your action and can be at peace.

With love.

© Zoe 2015

Why Do I Not Intervene?: Jesus with Zoe

Why I don't intervene, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/i-must-be-found-jesus-and-zoe/ ‎
Why do I not intervene?

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Why I Do Not Intervene

Jesus: I am often asked why do I not come and stop or intervene the destructive acts of man.

I am a force – a force that is there, that can be tapped into.  I cannot and will not use my power to impose myself on any person, event, deed, nation.  I am here but I must be found.

Turn to me and I will help lift you – restoring hope, buoyancy and help through the trying times.  Let my light lift and guide you through your path and journey during life.  I am here and always near.  I am to be found not to be forced.

With love.

© Zoe 2015