Conversations with Buddha and Zoe: Sparkle and Shine
Buddha: Zoe, there will be times when your energies are down. Times when life doesn’t sparkle and shine. Does that mean that sparkle and shine doesn’t exist if you can’t see it? Of course not. You just can’t see it.
Many of you give up hope because you can’t see the wonder or the beauty in life anymore. Perhaps you feel you have never seen it. This is only because, right now, it is hidden from you. This is not necessarily your fault: it’s just the law of averages. Where your perception sits on this law dictates your experience.
So if you want the sparkle and shine to come back, or indeed be discovered for the first time, go and look for it. Find someone who is currently experiencing that and piggy back their perception. Learn to see what they can see. Learn to live how they can live, and you will be happy. Or at least you will be on your way to find out more about yourself and more about the nature of perceptual reality that surrounds you and often loses you to it’s fleeting and delusional nature.
This is all. Be happy today; or at least be a little happier.
Buddha: We wish to speak with you today about resolution and a resolute day.
Many of you have set New Year resolutions. You are thinking and feeling about what you want and don’t want. This is fine. In fact it can become a good practice. So, let’s make it so.
Resolution- decision without question. Desire to carry thought form into life through action and emotional and mental dedication.
Resolute day-a day where you decide you will resolve on action and remain dedicated to your course or your decision despite what others matters come your way.
Can you see and feel how learning this may help you in times to come? We can. So try. Take one thing today and be resolute. Unite with mind and emotion and make action from this healthy union.
Conversations with Zoe and Jesus: You Are Not Alone
Jesus: We have said much of trust and faith- what is this? This is the absolute knowingness that you are not alone. That nothing is alone. This is true for every part of your Universe. Each person and being is linked and impacts another by mere thought as well as touch. You are magnificent and more powerful than you can ever know. Learn to trust this. Even as the flower fades and eventually falls, it is caught by the ground. It is loved. As it decomposes it brings nutrients and life to the soil and the soil is loved. This cycle continues whether you think of it or not. You are part of that cycle. Even when you fall you are caught. Whether you are mindful of Us or not, you are caught. We are yours, now and forever more.
Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Heed The Murmurings
Jesus: So you think you can do this on your own, this life? This existence?
You can’t. You are all interconnected and interwoven, dependant of the well being of all, all than the one. All of you at the day of reckoning will be held accountable to Us for your ignorance, misdemeanours and misnomers towards others.
Each of you must learn to turn the other cheek, help the stranger, love your neighbour before the ascent of your race is possible. This is why highly evolved beings return to earth – to ease the suffering. Thinking of the All not just the One. The suffering tide is coming. It will come in TV shows and books, churches, synagogues, mosques, earthquakes and hurricanes and it will ask each of you to look within and find the humanity, the strength, the willingness to help those who are weaker, more vulnerable and less able than yourselves.
For those of you who worship at the bank and in “goods” this will be shaken or taken away and a New world order, a New earth will emerge and fill the cracks, the voids in the old ones.
The prophets are in place. The time is now. Those that feel the move will move with it.
For those that ignore and refuse the inner murmurings (it’s in you All) there will be consequences.
Hail the new order has come and with it a new beginning, a new possibility a New Way of Being for you All.
Heed the murmurings, awake to the realities of your life and your consequential affect on the lives of others and you will hardly notice the change take place.
Conversations with Jesus and Zoe: Build A Better World
Jesus: You walk through the lives of many each and every one of you. Ask yourself what do you leave behind? Promise, faith, hope, smiles? Anger, resentment, fear, alienation, isolation? Make sure you are aware of the impact. Think of the child responding to the mood of the adult. What do you wish your legacy to be? With each step, each glance, each phone call, each hug you interact with another. Even in thoughts. Nothing is invisible. If you could see your “effect” or residue as tangibly as a badge of emotion on another- and you knew that they could also see the badge that your impact had- would you change?
Let’s build a better world. It only takes you. Together we will succeed.
Jesus: It is often asked of me why do I need to do this work? Why can’t it be easy? Better? Different!
Work provides a focus for time. It provides challenges, thrills, highs and lows. It means productivity and ultimately civilisation as you understand it.
If everyone let go of work your worlds would become chaos. Without focus, discipline and effort humans do not aspire to greatness.
So work is a way of striving for something better, brighter and bigger than you have.
This does not mean that I condone workaholism or results based efforts. No. I merely bring understanding on the importance of focus, effort, discipline. So why not work?
More importantly learn to love your work. Try this for one week – consciously engaging and positively expecting good things to happen. Focus, effort and discipline can lift you to higher and greater things so do not dampen these talents with negative thinking towards your boss, job or colleagues.
Once you are striving for greater states it will become easier to meet me. And this ultimately is my work for you.
Jesus: The impact of the spoken and written word is immense. Many men have risen and fallen as a result of words.
Practice speaking and writing wisdom. This does not mean telling people what to do, how to behave or think. This means look for the wisdom in any given situation, practice contemplation then teach yourself to communicate with love, respect and honour for the intended recipient.
This small act will change how you feel and impact the lives of everyone you communicate with. This makes speaking wisdom a powerful tool for change.
For mind and mastery to be complete there needs to be a full understanding of the nature of mind; the workings of mind and the ability from that therefore to direct mind. “Resist nothing” does not refer to earthly pleasures or deliberately indulging in squalid, dirty, self gratification states. However, the fear that that is where the mind could take one, means that one resists certain thoughts, urges and in the resistance, one becomes unable to see what is real. In other words the fear of what might be real creates resistance so that reality is never quite achieved albeit heavily sought by the individual.
Your mind takes you in a myriad of directions always towards the same point though: truth, honor, trust, faith, strength. Yet this is not the experience of mind that people have. Indeed for most mind is perpetual thinking, perpetual thoughts that take you in a myriad of directions. When one approaches a type of thought that one identifies as ‘bad’, such as what we have already spoken about- thoughts of squalor, deprivation, etc,- one immediately sensors those thoughts. Yet where do these thoughts come from? Why would you sensor one and not all thought? For if we were to be fully present we would be aware of the nature of our thoughts.
I will try to keep this clear on this occasion. Mind is strength, faith, focus, union with spirit. It is a gateway to the essence, to the soul, to God, and the God experience. The road to this is paved and littered with thought. These thoughts are like leaves fallen from the trees in autumn and how we choose to respond to our journey, whilst in body, is often to become distracted by the thoughts that are on the path: to the point that we become concerned only with the nature of the leaves and the nature of do we like the leaves. And we have forgotten that the purpose of the path is to bring us to union, union with ourselves in the arms of God. Therefore resist no leaf. As you are dedicated to following your path- the path to you, the path to union with God – falsehood comes only from focusing and identifying and creating relationships with thought forms. Therefore resist nothing. Accept all and continue on your journey where we will await you.
Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: All Is Impermanent
Buddha: Begin now to look at the world the way we see it. This world is of temporary form- always shifting, always moving out, shifting each of your every lives. This world that you live in is bigger, bolder and greater than the individual life that you currently inhabit.
With this knowledge learn to respect the earth. Learn to keep the earth’s greatness in your mind and with every choice that you make be aware of consequence. I say this to each and every one of you.Yet do not become fixed on the permanence of damage or sustainability or even on life itself.
Think of yourself as in transit. You are always moving from one form into another. Birth, life stages, days, places that you visit- always moving in and out of form. Not just within the lifetime of the soul but within the lifetime even of the day. One moment is always different from the next, yet you remain. So treat your host with respect and dignity, your host the earth. You are traveling through this lifetime and leave it well.
Begin to recognize that there are those that have gone before you who knew and understood this and worked to leave no footprint of themselves upon the earth. Take a step towards this. This will do two things: Firstly this will give the respect to the earth that it deserves. Secondly this will begin to train you in the nature of your reality right now as you sit and read these words. This moment, whilst real now, will be gone in a moment from now. Take from it what you need. Recognize the impermanence of all and become still and settled within that. Great is the suffering of the many who try and fix points through time, through desire.
Whilst great things can be achieved within a lifetime, within a year, within a month, a week, a day, all is just single moments threaded together. All is impermanent.
I taught to think of moments, of actions, of words spoken to others, of thoughts, all of these as beads on string. Each bead represents that thought, that moment, that desire, that action. This will be the legacy that the soul will carry forth from you. You will with you a string of beads and on that string will be your decisions whether you have been conscious of them or not. This is what you will take to what id beyond form. I taught that this is all that is important- a string of beads- and that isn’t even real in form but metaphysical.
Today I will teach you to value the impact of your life, your choices. Delve into your thoughts, your desires to help you become aware of the impact of your life and your choices, conscious or not.
Life is different today. Different in the fact that impact is greater, desire is greater, restlessness and suffering is greater and this happens at a time when many of you have more of that which is in form. Therefore switch your focus from your daytime job to give you things, material forms, and instead focus on your inner world. This is your real job and it matters not what you do in the world of form. What matters is how. Bring conscious awareness into your life, into your moment and learn to keep the focus on your internal world. learn to become aware of when you become out of yourself and learn to hold the moments where you are inside. Inside your body, inside your life, inside what you are doing- this is where you meet the present. This is where you are doing you inner work.
Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: It Simply Is (Part Four)
Buddha: How often is it then that a distractive mind becomes a fearful mind? There are very few of you who have spent time exploring their minds so that a distraction becomes fear, fear becomes a distraction and all that exists is the hamster wheel of being, of doing, as opposed to the presence of God in the moment. So I say to you explore the mind.
There is nothing to be frightened of. You will find fearful thoughts, fearful forms, but more importantly, you will find distraction. And of what you feel is fearful, only a small proportion will actually be fear-full; the rest will be distraction. And of that which is fear-full, simply sitting and acknowledging it as a thought form will allow it to move. Simply state, “You are a thought form, go. I am capable of being. I need not acknowledge you, and in that acknowledgment, allow you to take me over and allow you to become.” For that is all that happens when one engages in these types of thought forms, the thought form is able to become. And as a human being, is this not you worst nightmare? Engage not with the thought form. Simply acknowledge it and state to it, “You are a thought form go. I am me, I will be.”
The minds of men are messy, are distracted—have become fear-full. Chaos reigns and only those who are willing to become a disciple of clarity will work to free themselves from the bondage. For this is the truth: Mankind as whole is in chains to itself, in chains to that which separated it from an animal, which for some has meant that part of the species has become lower than that of the animal and through desires, through allowing thought forms to become have allowed catastrophes and horrors of being, such as that not seen in the animal world.
This is not your destiny. This was never your destiny going below the level of animal, no. You were meant as a species to find us from the level of form; to explore new ways of love and being while inhabiting different forms. This is all within you. This is the blueprint of humanity. However, this will require the disengagement of current mind, the individual to become disciple of clarity and from there mankind will be able to raise itself to its destiny. And individuals, such as yourselves, will be able to see clearly what is the beauty of this place that you call your home, earth, the love that does exist within the hearts of all, the essence of God, the connection, the oneness to all that is an indisputable truth.
Work to become clear of mind and the gifts of gods will be yours.