Category Archives: Rest

Right Action for Health: Buddha with Zoe

right action for health, Snowpath
Right action for health

Note from Zoe: Yesterday I had a personal conversation with Jesus who was enlightening my friend and I on taking ‘right action’, particularly in regards to health. Buddha took this further when we ‘spoke’. The capital letters are his.

Conversations with Buddha and Zoe: Right Action for Health

Buddha: Yesterday Zoe, you heard my colleague speak to you about the need for right action and proper rest. Let me recap for everyone.

‘Right action’ is when you are choosing to take a course, undertake the course, when it is right for you. Not right for another, but right for you. Of course nothing that could ever be truly right action for you could involve harming another because that is not how you are designed. Right action is when you choose to truly fulfill yourself and take steps to achieve that. It is through this right action, together with right reason and circumstance, that health and well-being are promoted. Quite simply deep fulfillment makes illness impossible.

Right action makes illness a fleeting guest in the house of the body. You are learning this Zoe. The fulfillment needs to be deep and deeply personal to the individual. Whatever it is! Picking up a needle and thread, climbing a mountain, watching an apple grow, making a deal. It is only through deep fulfillment- unique to every individual- that illness is made a hasty guest.

Rest is important too. However, rest WHEN THE BODY IS TIRED! Many of you today rest when your mind is tired. The body must still be rewarded for giving you a vehicle in which you exist. Move the body during the day till it is tired. If you return from work and you feel tired asked yourself who is tired? Your body? Your mind? Your spirit? This is important. Rest the BODY when tired. Rest the mind when the mind is tired. But do not forget the needs of the body, if actually your body is never tired by your work. This is very important if you wish illness to stay infrequently, if at all.

Now WHEN the body is tired- REST. But the mind will need to facilitate this rest, otherwise all that will be experienced is a temporary cessation of movement without deep regeneration. Practically rest when your body is tired and ENJOY it. Even if it’s the flu- enjoy giving the body what it needs. This mental and emotional willingness to physically rest promotes deep regeneration. And, if the body is tired, this is what it needs. As a course of right action, give it this.

Be mindful though of over inactivity- a problem I see as I look on. The body can’t be tired if not worked, unless ill or undergoing deep regenerative transformation and healing. The body cannot be healthful if its needs are not met- to move. Nor can you if you are not giving yourself fulfillment through right action. This is a process that needs to be relearned to accommodate the shift in lifestyle that has occurred.

Think on this today.

© Zoe 2015

Listen and Look Inside: Jesus with Zoe

Listen and Look Inside,…jesus-with-zoe/
Listen and look inside

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Listen and Look Inside

Jesus: For those are willing to listen, listen now.  The change is upon us.  Are you with us?  If you are looking, look inside and ask yourself honestly,

“How do I feel?”  No measure of spirituality can deny true existence of pain.

Pain is unable to be transcended by Us.  But with willingness to acknowledge its existence and wholesome desire for a better way of being we can lift you out from it and it can disappear.

Meet us half way and we will lift you into our arms.  Do this by taking the time to look inside.  There is nothing you could find that would ever inhibit our desire to help you.

Allow yourself support and rest in your honesty and your fears will be now more.

This is all.

© Zoe 2015

Similarities: Jesus with Zoe


Conversations with Zoe and Jesus: Similarities

Jesus: The time is now to rest your arms against your fellow man.  The time for destruction based on separation (you there, me here) is over.  Unite.

This isn’t just warring parties but for each individual.

Who carries destruction through separation in his/her mind.  End the discrimination.  End the bitterness and envy towards others.  End this now and you will be freed from the coming wave.

So for today work to see the similarities in one another.  Resolve to explore what you share and not desire to withhold apart.

© Zoe 2015

Sleep: Jesus with Zoe


Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Sleep

Jesus: Sleep is essential for your spiritual health.  It is a time for the body to regulate, the mind to be soothed and your soul to rise free from the form of the body.

For those of you wishing to have closer connection to me ensure that your sleep is good.  If it is not take remedial action straight away.  Turn of the television, stimulating or woeful music.  Put down the papers and the books.  Allow yourself to rest fully before bed.  Allow yourself to soothe yourself into sleep and from there we will endeavour to soothe you.

Sleep well my children.

© Zoe 2015

Rest Is Not Laziness: Jesus with Zoe

Rest Is Not Laziness,…jesus-with-zoe/ ‎
Rest is not laziness

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Rest is not Laziness

Jesus: Knowing when to rest is important.  There are times to reap, times to sow and times to rest.  Rest is not laziness but a necessary part of being alive.  Give this to yourself freely and without guilt.

With love.

© Zoe 2015

Faith in Spiritual Matters: Buddha with TMichael

Faith in Spiritual Matters,

Conversation with Master Buddha and TMichael: Faith

TM:  What is the nature of faith as it relates to matters spiritual or religious?

Master Buddha:  The nature of faith rests on the premise that there are things one can’t know for certain through direct observation, and so one must imagine that given a strong feeling that something must be true, then it is accepted as true.  It becomes a belief in one’s truth based upon the strong feeling.

TM:  So what we consider to be evidence of truth through direct observation of facts is not faith?

Master Buddha: Well, that is faith also to some extent, because has one ever experienced absolute proof of truth?  Can you truly say that even the things you thought you proved to yourself through direct observation have always been really true?  Have there been occasions where you observed a thing to be true and later discovered your observations were not so accurate?  There is usually some element of doubt and faith fills in the gap.

TM:  Aren’t all these considerations about truth relative to time and our progressive understanding of many things that change over time?

Master Buddha: Yes, of course.  Your understanding of truth changes as you grow to reach new understandings about yourself, others and the universe.  There is always a measure of faith thrown in to close the gaps and to bridge your doubt and what you perceive is truth in that moment.  Once you think you have reached some absolute truth, you will soon discover the illusion inherent in that notion.  It is better to say, for now I think I know the truth of this matter and I’ll take it on faith as I continue searching for new information, new knowledge, new understanding about this.

There are those people who believe in a mechanistic universe.  That there are physical laws that behave in a way that explains all the phenomena that surrounds you.  You might say that even for those believers there is a measure of faith to fill in the parts that are missing.

TM:  Some people allow more room for faith and some it seems allow less room.  But you’re saying that we all allow some room for faith regardless of our beliefs?

Master Buddha:  Yes, I’m saying that.  As science has progressed, it has revealed the vast knowledge that humanity has amassed in understanding your world.  It has also revealed the vast ignorance.  If you plot that on a time continuum you can see that the more that you know, the greater your understanding that there is so much more you don’t know.  So, you take what you know and you project a little further into the future of the possibilities of things that could be true.  That is a form of faith.  If you act upon faith by assuming the projections are true, then it is meaningful.  To speculate is to explore ideas about truth and to act upon faith that something is true is commitment.

TM:  It seems to me that people of religious and spiritual faith rely upon teachings of the past to form their foundation, which requires faith that the teachings were accurately recording and interpreted.

Master Buddha: And that the projections of those truths are applicable to humanity today.  There are many new teachings brought forth today and they are received similarly as were the teachings given long ago.  There is a resistance to new teachings by humanity, because they cling to the old ones, the ones they were taught are true.  There is a lag in time for new beliefs to be accepted.

TM:  No way around that is there?

Master Buddha:  Not likely it will change any time soon.  It is human nature and probably a good characteristic if it is moderate.

© TM 2015

A Day of Rest: Buddha with Zoe

A Day of Rest,
A day of rest

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: A Day of Rest

Buddha: So, what have you been today, a Rose or a Lily? The truth is you have been unconcerned with all. There is a reality beyond that of knowledge, beyond that even of acceptance. It is the reality of just being-ness.

One knows when one has reached this stage for one is neither concerned with the state of the lily or the rose, one simply just is. Up until then be aware of who you are.

It is important for all of you to have days of rest. Days where you allow the mind to calm, even be listless, where you enjoy game playing, where you give yourself nothing much to do. You refer to these times as holidays. Yet even on holidays you can seemingly charge the mind, believing that because it is different information such as that picked up at a historical sight than what you’ve previously known, it’s a break.

Ensure that at all times that you give yourself breaks. It is through breaks that you will prosper. Perhaps not in the material sense, but certainly within a health and well being sense. And from all that I have seen and witnessed this is what you need more than anything else. So enjoy your times of rest and give them to yourselves deliberately and guilt-free.

© Zoe 2015

It Simply Is (Part 4): Buddha with Zoe

It Simply Is Part 4,
It simply is part 4

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: It Simply Is (Part Four)

Buddha: How often is it then that a distractive mind becomes a fearful mind? There are very few of you who have spent time exploring their minds so that a distraction becomes fear, fear becomes a distraction and all that exists is the hamster wheel of being, of doing, as opposed to the presence of God in the moment. So I say to you explore the mind.

There is nothing to be frightened of.  You will find fearful thoughts, fearful forms, but more importantly, you will find distraction.  And of what you feel is fearful, only a small proportion will actually be fear-full; the rest will be distraction.  And of that which is fear-full, simply sitting and acknowledging it as a thought form will allow it to move. Simply state, “You are a thought form, go. I am capable of being. I need not acknowledge you, and in that acknowledgment, allow you to take me over and allow you to become.” For that is all that happens when one engages in these types of thought forms, the thought form is able to become.  And as a human being, is this not you worst nightmare? Engage not with the thought form.  Simply acknowledge it and state to it, “You are a thought form go. I am me, I will be.”

The minds of men are messy, are distracted—have become fear-full. Chaos reigns and only those who are willing to become a disciple of clarity will work to free themselves from the bondage. For this is the truth: Mankind as whole is in chains to itself, in chains to that which separated it from an animal, which for some has meant that part of the species has become lower than that of the animal and through desires, through allowing thought forms to become have allowed catastrophes and horrors of being, such as that not seen in the animal world.

This is not your destiny. This was never your destiny going below the level of animal, no. You were meant as a species to find us from the level of form; to explore new ways of love and being while inhabiting different forms.  This is all within you.  This is the blueprint of humanity.  However, this will require the disengagement of current mind, the individual to become disciple of clarity and from there mankind will be able to raise itself to its destiny.  And individuals, such as yourselves, will be able to see clearly what is the beauty of this place that you call your home, earth, the love that does exist within the hearts of all, the essence of God, the connection, the oneness to all that is an indisputable truth.

Work to become clear of mind and the gifts of gods will be yours.

© Zoe 2015

For It Simply Is Part 1 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 2 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 3 click here.