Category Archives: Animal

Right Use of Mind: Buddha with Zoe

Right Use of Mind, ‎
Right use of mind

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: Right Use of Mind

Buddha: We need to get to the bottom of why people do not choose to use their minds correctly.  A well working mind is like a well-oiled machine: it takes you clearly, decisively and definitively to where you need to be. Yet people choose to allow their minds to rust and take them down roads and paths to oblivion. There needs to be recognition, first, that the minds of men need to change.

Second, there needs to be a clear understanding that change can exist and thirdly, there needs to be easy to use methodical, logical, dependable, un-debatable tools.  You cannot escape the mind although the mind can escape you.  This is not something to be feared or fearful of.

Mind simply exists.  It was created as a means of allowing humans to rise above that of the levels of animal.  As I’ve said before, this has happened. However, for many this has meant dipping below the level of animal.  With needless violence, killing, disgracing, maiming and shocking. What for? For the purpose of satiating an out of control ego.

© Zoe 2015

It Simply Is (Part 4): Buddha with Zoe

It Simply Is Part 4,
It simply is part 4

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe: It Simply Is (Part Four)

Buddha: How often is it then that a distractive mind becomes a fearful mind? There are very few of you who have spent time exploring their minds so that a distraction becomes fear, fear becomes a distraction and all that exists is the hamster wheel of being, of doing, as opposed to the presence of God in the moment. So I say to you explore the mind.

There is nothing to be frightened of.  You will find fearful thoughts, fearful forms, but more importantly, you will find distraction.  And of what you feel is fearful, only a small proportion will actually be fear-full; the rest will be distraction.  And of that which is fear-full, simply sitting and acknowledging it as a thought form will allow it to move. Simply state, “You are a thought form, go. I am capable of being. I need not acknowledge you, and in that acknowledgment, allow you to take me over and allow you to become.” For that is all that happens when one engages in these types of thought forms, the thought form is able to become.  And as a human being, is this not you worst nightmare? Engage not with the thought form.  Simply acknowledge it and state to it, “You are a thought form go. I am me, I will be.”

The minds of men are messy, are distracted—have become fear-full. Chaos reigns and only those who are willing to become a disciple of clarity will work to free themselves from the bondage. For this is the truth: Mankind as whole is in chains to itself, in chains to that which separated it from an animal, which for some has meant that part of the species has become lower than that of the animal and through desires, through allowing thought forms to become have allowed catastrophes and horrors of being, such as that not seen in the animal world.

This is not your destiny. This was never your destiny going below the level of animal, no. You were meant as a species to find us from the level of form; to explore new ways of love and being while inhabiting different forms.  This is all within you.  This is the blueprint of humanity.  However, this will require the disengagement of current mind, the individual to become disciple of clarity and from there mankind will be able to raise itself to its destiny.  And individuals, such as yourselves, will be able to see clearly what is the beauty of this place that you call your home, earth, the love that does exist within the hearts of all, the essence of God, the connection, the oneness to all that is an indisputable truth.

Work to become clear of mind and the gifts of gods will be yours.

© Zoe 2015

For It Simply Is Part 1 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 2 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 3 click here.

It Simply Is (Part 2): Buddha with Zoe

It Simply Is Part 2, ‎
It simply is part 2

Conversation with Zoe and Buddha:

It Simply Is Part 2


Buddha: The aim of my discussions with you, Zoë, is to bring stillness into the lives of many, and as I was on earth, to relieve the suffering of the many. The suffering that is just and unjust. By that, we mean the suffering that is created by us and that which life unfolds for us.

Man was not made to suffer. So why does he we hear you ask. Over-development of the intellect: plain and simple. It has become a muscle that has become too strong, too strong for the creative urges of man, too strong to be able to let go with any ease. Intelligence was given to you as your species came down to exist here on earth. Your gene pool was taken from that of the animals and you were developed, given the gift. Yet though the gift was given from God, from all that is, it has become what has taken you away from all is, and fundamentally this needs to be rectified. We need you now to use your minds to learn to train and control your intellect. To take that muscle and through work, through dedication, allow its control to become flaccid and its repartee- its ability to distinguish what is right and wrong in a situation- to remain. So if you like, what is needed is a lobotomy and this muscle needs to be halved in size. Once halved in size it will become equal once again and be able to balance with mankind’s other gifts, its creative urges, its flows, the intuition, and the instincts. There is nothing that cannot be achieved on earth. Not through the intellect but through the creative flow and then the utilization of intellect henceforth.

I listen to the suffering of many. “Why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why?” No answer comes. However, “Why, why, why? This hurts, this pains, this hurts, this pains, this hurts, this pains. I wish for, I wish for, I wish for, I wish for, I wish for.”

What does this get?

“Why, why, why, why, why, why, this hurts, this pains, this hurts, this pain, I wish for, I wish for, I wish for.”

The resolution to suffering is not within the mind it is in the end of mind.

This is short today Zoe and it is very straight. We end this suffering from the cessations of mind. By this we mean the cessations of mental desire. Pointless mental questionings that are incapable of answers. “Why?”, “Because.” “Why?”, “Because.” “Why?”, “Because.” “Why?”, “Because.”

From now on when someone asks, “Why”, say, “It simply is.” This need not be pain, this need not be suffering. Accept the simply is and find the peace there in. There is no movement from this point for mind, except to take you away from this point. When you are taken away from this point the suffering and pain will begin once more. “Why, why, why?”. “It simply is”. Find the peace from this point and be aware that only the mind can take you away from this and you will resume pain and suffering. “Why, why, why?” I needn’t go on now Zoe.

Do you know that all enlightenment is this simple? Goodbye for now.

© Zoe 2015

For It Simply Is Part 1 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 3 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 4 click here.

It Simply Is (Part 1): Buddha with Zoe

It Simply Is Part 1, ‎
It simply is part 1

Conversation with Buddha and Zoe:

It Simply Is (Part 1)


Buddha: What you’ve to understand is that all is here. All is neither waiting nor ready, it simply is. This is what can be tapped into. You have been fed information about slipstream and how all exists within the slipstream below the level of conscious thought. By bringing consciousness to the fore, thought becomes secondary, and an awareness of slipstream becomes primary. Now what happens in slipstream? Different ways of being: you simply are; it simply is. All is expansion; all is contraction. All is resonance and all resonates with the beat of God. It is within this slipstream that you can tap into being one with nature; but even nature is another level to be moved through.

For, as thought presides over consciousness, for many of you nature presides over reality. Reality, I hear you say, isn’t that the domain of conscious thought? There is a truth, there is a harmony, there is an equinanimous resonance deeper than all of that. As deep as the deepest part of the sea, as wide as the widest part of space: yet it is neither space nor sea, but existing beyond form and beyond the levels of form.

Within this reality, within this stream, you will meet me. We will talk again.

So we all exist, all of us, as one but in the slipstream below the level of conscious thought. I say below for we are always there underneath the conscious thought. The conscious thought is like the interference on the television screen of old that becomes all absorbing. Imagine a person who, rather than watching the screen, begins to watch the interference around the side of the screen, and so misses the main show. This is what’s happening. The main show is missed. To some extent this has always been. However, there is more at stake within your world at the moment. Hence, my return.

So I say that we are all here existing below the level of conscious thought for if you take away conscious thought and begin to breathe, “da-da” there we are! (I do have great humor Zoe and I like to use it.)

So what do you need to do to become mindful of the show? Breathe: simple as that. This has been heard many times before and it will be heard many times after this has been recorded and typed.

Breathing, breathing, when one is conscious of breathing and one opens ones eyes life is simply happening; it just is. In this case Zoe as you have opened your eyes there are birds flying in the trees, the clouds are moving across the sky, there is traffic on the road nearby, in the reflection in the window you can see the palm trees waving in the wind. This is all simply happening; it is all simply being. Now if you were to become involved in the interference of your mind where would this go? Nowhere! It simply would continue to happen without you noticing it and what would you have missed? You would have missed being in the present in your own life. So what is the price of this? For many there is no question, the price is too high. But others choose to become involved in the interference and we move on to the subject, Zoe that we have been making you aware of, the pursuit of pleasure.

How do you feel Zoe opening your eyes, breathing?

Z: Peaceful.

MB: Yes, are you concerned?

Z: No.

MB: Are you worried?

Z: No.

MB: Are you desiring?

Z: No, not even that cup of tea.

MB: Simply by breathing and opening the eyelids. Isn’t that amazing? Now let’s put you into a different situation Zoe. Let’s put you into a busy office. Imagine one where the phones are ringing, people are talking, there’s artificial light, there is work in front of you, your in-tray is bigger than your out-tray. Imagine you sitting in this situation at your desk and picture yourself breathing and opening your eyes. How do you feel?

Z: Peaceful.

MB: What is happening around you?

Z: Life.

MB: Do you have any desires in that moment?

Z: No.

MB: Now let’s move you into a different situation- one that my forefathers are said to have experienced. Let’s put you into the middle of a battle zone. Open your eyes and breathe.

Z: Don’t know if I could do that Buddha.

MB: What would you be doing if you couldn’t do that?

Z: I would be looking around me to see if anyone is going to kill me. I wouldn’t feel I was capable of relaxing or switching off my adrenaline system. I feel I would need the heightened reality to live.

MB: Ok, what would it take for you to breathe? A God to visit you?

Z: Yes.

MB: You know the story Zoe and I know the story too. There are times when the human system is built for dealing with such stress, such chaos, and such heightened senses of the need to survive. You have, after all, evolved from the animal kingdom where this is a highly necessary part of their reality. To switch off your sensory system may involve in your own death.

© Zoe 2015

For It Simply Is Part 2 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 3 click here.

For It Simply Is Part 4 click here.

Rod of Healing: Maitreya with TMichael

Rod of healing,
Rod of healing

Background to Conversation with Maitreya and  The Rod of Healing

TMichael: As I discuss in the FAQ’s, I used this exercise along with allopathic and alternative treatment when I had cancer. Within 3-4 weeks my stage 4 cancer went into complete remission. Several people have since inquired about the rod of healing.  So I posed some questions to Maitreya after realizing I still didn’t understand very much about it even though I could attest its efficacy.

TM:  What is the rod of healing (ROH) and how does it work?

Maitreya:  It is an energy bundle that runs the length of the spine and corresponds directly with the nervous system.  The nervous system controls all of the body functions as the communications conduit and likewise does the ROH do the same to stimulate the nerves, which in turn stimulate the necessary secretions and coordination of healing properties in the body.

To activate the rod of healing one has only to recognize his or her responsibility for personal health.  This is not something that comes from outside oneself.  The body is capable of producing all the healing necessary to maintain perfect health.  The imbalances created are due to a number of factors influenced by ones disconnection with this truth from the time of infancy.  As one ages and becomes more and more focused on outside stimulation the natural healing mechanisms atrophy.  You may ask how is this so?  It’s because the channels of energy that keep the body vibrant and healthy rely upon use, and use is reliant upon awareness and knowledge of what is true about one’s nature.  There is no amount of outside diagnosis and treatment that can cover as thoroughly and intricately what the body through the informing spirit can know and do.

The rod of healing is a part of every human but lies dormant and atrophied due to lack of use because of over dependence upon outside treatment methods.  There is a real predicament however and that is that outside treatment has displaced the ROH and therefore cannot be abandoned in most cases without deleterious results for a person.  Each one will have to know his or her level of awareness and acceptance of the ROH.  Where it is low, then reliance upon outside treatment should be continued until such time as there may be a substantial shift in awareness.  Where it is high, then more reliance on the ROH is possible with good results.

TM:  So how does one activate the ROH?  Are you saying that you just have to be aware that it exists and it will work?

Maitreya:  It works when: 1) you are responsible for your own health, i.e. you are mindful of your body and what you do to it and with it; 2) you are aware that your spirit is capable of managing your good health through the ROH and the body’s healing mechanisms.  The degree of success you will have is based upon the strength of your acceptance and use of this knowledge.  It will vary by person depending on his or her place on that continuum.  It is never too late to work with it.  The success prayer groups have experienced are an example of the strength of this power.  Even though the power of prayer is external to the person receiving the healing, they activate the ROH by strengthening ones own resolve and personal spiritual power.  If your spirit is powerful enough to animate physical life you must understand that it is capable of maintaining perfect health.

TM:  So, it’s our ignorance and our seeking outside correction for poor health that prevents us from having perfect health?

Maitreya:  Yes.  And the correction for this will have to be gradual.  As more and more people experience healing from within and there are studies that can document this truth then there will be wider acceptance and use.  That’s how most things grow in proportion.  Start with where you are and grow from there.  As you have success share it with others and maybe they will do the same.

TM:  There’s no instructional manual I suppose.

Maitreya:  One isn’t needed.  Allow nature to run its course and it will preserve itself to the extent it is supposed to.  Excessive management by second-guessing the natural processes will interrupt it and sometimes produce okay results and sometimes not.  It is a lot of unnecessary work.  But again, humanity is where it is and it is not in a place to abandon its hard won medical achievements before it is ready.  Rest assured humanity is moving in this direction and will merge the application of medical technology with the natural process within the next one hundred years. As humans gaze back on this time the treatments of today will be viewed with the same amazement that one living today might view techniques used two or three hundred years ago.

© TM 2015

Reincarnation: Buddha with TMichael


Conversation with Buddha and TMichael: Reincarnation

TM: What is reincarnation exactly?

Master Buddha: Every living thing on Earth has an eternal essence, or spirit.  That spirit or essence cycles through life experience in material form and in various other forms, and what may be called non-forms from the perspective of material being.  In the material form on Earth of which we are speaking, there are many choices.  The essence chooses according to the experience one has been created to experience.

TM: Does this mean that those of us in human form would choose human form in the next life on Earth and not that of an animal, insect or plant?

Master Buddha: That’s correct.

TM: Does that also mean that no other past life we were any of those other forms and then graduated to human form?

Master Buddha: It is correct that individual essence, or personalized essence does not vary in forms in successive incarnations on Earth.  Each kingdom, mineral, plant, animal, human, and spirit has a role to play for the uplifting of vibration of the whole.  It means that as each tiny life fulfills that role to a greater and greater point of perfection then the whole rises in vibration and thus contributes to the likelihood of greater perfection, so on and so forth.

TM: What is meant by ‘vibration’?

Master Buddha: Vibration is measured by frequency, as you may be familiar in sound frequency or light waves.  A wave is produced and the shorter the wave, the higher the frequency, i.e. the faster its frequency of repetition.  Another way to think of it is in density.  Slower or lower frequencies are denser, and the opposite is true for higher, faster frequencies.  This happens at a subatomic level and then is reflected in the ultimate form composition intended by the inhabited essence.  The choosing of a form is instinctual according to the essence’s creative prerogatives.  That is, a human essence will instinctively choose a human form, a plant essence a plant form.  As that essence progresses over many lifetimes, it will increase its vibration within that form.  As each individual increases the vibration of its form there is a phenomenon that occurs in that other forms within that kingdom also increase slightly, and to a lesser degree the vibration life forms within other kingdoms increase as well.

TM: What is actually vibrating then?

Master Buddha: The essence within the form, which then reverberates throughout the form.

TM: And the essence is made up of what?

Master Buddha: The essence is comprised of light and sound waves, plus energetic qualities that resemble light and sound, but are distinct in their vibration apart from their binding with light and sound.

TM: So is consciousness the same as essence?

Master Buddha: In all discussion about these matters, it is a good idea to differentiate between individual and group reference.  Consciousness, like essence, can be either individual or group.  It is a part of essence as I am speaking of it here.

TM: Is there a set number of lives that an individual essence must fulfill and what happens at some point of fulfillment?

Master Buddha: If you mean, is there a quota of number of lives, the answer is no.  Each individual essence progresses as its free will and experience determine.  All benefit from the most progressive for the reasons stated earlier.  This ensures progress for all.  Each kingdom progresses and thus assists the other kingdoms to also progress.

TM: So what is the aim eventually?  Is the progression infinite or finite, and how is that decided?

Master Buddha: From our perspective, the progress is infinite.  This is because we haven’t the capacity to comprehend the finite within divine expression.

TM: May we speak later about the role of karma in reincarnation?

Master Buddha: Yes.

© TM 2015

Health and Balance: Jesus and TMichael

Health and Balance, ‎
Health and balance

Conversation with Jesus and TMichael: Health and Balance

TM: Can you speak to issues of health?

Master Jesus: Yes.

TM: How is human health affected one way or another by our degree of spiritual awareness?

Master Jesus: As you become spiritually aware you make different choices.  You will make different choices regarding things directly affecting your health as well as those things that affect your health indirectly.  We have talked about the role of judgment.  Even those at the higher levels of spiritual awareness can possess the characteristics of judgment, which can adversely affect their health.  That’s an example of how choices that may seem unrelated can affect health issues.  The more obvious choices most people know about, but they may choose to continue unhealthy behavior.  Or they may become so opposed to those behaviors that they develop unhealthy reactions to themselves or others engaging in those behaviors.

It’s not so easy to provide a list of do’s and don’ts.  Having a set of rules seems the right thing for many people, but in the long run it only runs a greater danger of producing intolerance and a judgmental nature, which can and is more dangerous to the health of humanity.

Spiritual enlightenment is not so much about one right way for everyone as it is about discovering the right way of living for each one.  There will indeed emerge a set of principles to guide society in everyday affairs, but I wish to point out that without a spiritual awareness on the individual level, the societal guidelines will suffer.  As individuals progress in understanding and spiritual intelligence, they will raise the standards of societal behavior.  Society cannot rise higher than the largest group of enlightened beings in its ranks.

TM: How does disease, as we describe it, and the health issues you’re describing intersect?  Aren’t there viruses and bacteria that wreak havoc with our bodies that have nothing to do with spiritual enlightenment?

Master Jesus: There is a host of factors to consider when examining the full spectrum of human health issues beyond spiritual enlightenment.  But that will be the bedrock that all systems can be built upon.  Bacteria and viruses are living organisms as are humans and animals and plants and so on.  If you truly want to understand the role of each organism in the evolution of Earth, then study the past.  If you want to know the future roles of organisms study the present.  Humans have so upset the balance in nature that microorganisms are reacting in record numbers.  You have only begun to see the potential of these organisms.  The present path will force a collision of humans and microorganisms on a scale that is beyond your imagination.  Much of this is unavoidable at this point, but much can be done to avert disaster on a large scale.

TM: Are you talking about epidemics?

Master Jesus: Yes.  You remember our discussion about Armageddon?  This is one of the ways it will work out.  This is a result of humanity’s actions, not that of a vengeful God punishing you.

TM: I remember a quote, “You are not punished for your sins as you are by them.  And the same for your virtues, in that you’re not rewarded for them as you are by living them.”  So, how did we create the ground for epidemics?

Master Jesus: Ecosystems are in balance when all living organisms operate within their sphere and natural tendency.  Humans have taken the role as lead and dominant species because of divine right.  With that right comes responsibility.  Humans are made up of all that exists in the world; so, there isn’t a thing that isn’t you.

TM: I must interrupt.  You’re saying by divine right?  What does that mean?

Master Jesus: Let me restate that to say by divine order.  There is a hierarchy of life, both on Earth as there is in the universe at large.  The hierarchy is determined by characteristics inherent in each species that create specific roles to maintain harmony and balance in the whole system.  It allows that there are times of disharmony and imbalance, but the correction comes as a result of each species finding its role.  Despite the belief that the universe is largely random and chaotic, which it certainly appears to human observation, there is an order beyond your comprehension.

TM: Beyond our comprehension or beyond our ability to see?

Master Jesus: Both.  It is something you must take on faith, or belief without evidence.  Among those of us who witness wonders in the universe beyond anything humans see, we can barely glimpse the order even as we comprehend it.

TM: Suddenly I feel like the dumbest kid in class.

Master Jesus: Someday humans will comprehend it, but first things first.  For now, and this is what makes it such a challenge to teach as well as to accept as truth, it will be a matter of faith.  Humans do as well with matters of faith as any being.  It always comes down to trusting the motivation and knowledge of the source.

TM: Back to what you were saying, there is nothing in the world that isn’t us.  I skipped too many science classes to understand that one.

Master Jesus: There are basic qualities of energy that compose life on Earth, which are in turn reflected in the chemistry of material existence.  Humans are composed of all those basic qualities of energy found in every species on Earth.  The two most abused beliefs by humans are that humans have dominion over all species and survival of the fittest species.  The unremarkable intelligence that springs from those simplistic notions is creating your own Armageddon.  Your role as steward has been usurped by your pride as being superior.  Your role as spiritual leader has been sabotaged by your fear of spirit.  Without a turnaround in these conditions, you will have to experience the consequences of these beliefs carried to their natural conclusion.

TM: To clarify, are you saying that humans don’t have dominion and that survival of the fittest is inaccurate?

Master Jesus: Humans have reduced the meaning of those truths to rationalize behavior that is inconsistent with the integrity of those truths.

TM: So, what I’m gleaning from these discussions is that we’re pretty much screwed on a number of fronts from economics to epidemics if we don’t change our ways.  Is that it?

Master Jesus: You will experience the reality you have created.  The masters and I want to give you every opportunity to recognize that you are creating the reality and that you will experience it as you create it; so, pay attention to what and how you’re creating.

TM: When you say masters, that sounds very Eastern.  It may not be understood in the West.

Master Jesus: It means teachers.  We use it as a way of deference to one who has achieved a high degree of understanding and enlightenment.  And while some prerogatives of authority come with the title, it is largely a title of achievement.

TM: Whom do the Masters teach?

Master Jesus: They mostly work with disciples on the spiritual plane, who in turn work with disciples on the physical plane.  However, we have begun to teach directly to those on the physical plane as a matter of expedience and some small measure of experiment.

TM: What kind of experiment?

Master Jesus: We want to see how rapidly humans can assimilate spiritual knowledge if a master administers it directly.  If this successfully accelerates the process, then we will organize group sessions for those who are ready.

TM: Is this the first time this has happened?

Master Jesus: Periodically we test for receptivity along these lines.  This happens to be one of those times.

TM: Lately I feel these discussions have taken on a stream of consciousness, that is, flitting from one thought to the other without ever finishing one thought.  I wonder if this will deter from what you need to convey.

Master Jesus: What would you like to conclude?

TM: All this Armageddon business spurs more questions than answers to me.  Please summarize the health issues relative to spiritual progress.

Master Jesus: I’m expressing these ideas in the most accessible way for most people to understand it.  It’s time to expand beyond ideological boundaries and reach common understanding.

Spiritual progress is needed on the individual and group levels at this time.  The time is critical due to the fact that humans have created a reality that is headed for disaster.  Before it reaches the point of no return, you are given a chance to become aware of your actions and the consequences.  Then you must decide what you will do.  Health issues are wrapped up in the whole system.  I can’t separate them for you or explain their nature out of context.  Deterioration of human health is and will ensue at an increasingly rapid pace despite the illusion of medical advancements to cure disease.  The root cause of this can only be corrected at the spiritual level, because it is from there that the physical level will conform to new understandings.

TM: People don’t understand disease and “why me” is the big question.  I know folks who live very pure lives; healthy attitudes and diets, and yet they suffer through all sorts of physical maladies.  How can you tell them the root cause is something spiritual?

Master Jesus: I can’t tell them the cause of their illness is spiritual unless I know them.  I’m speaking in broad terms for the bulk of humanity, not for specific individuals.  Having a healthy diet and being spiritually inclined is helpful, but there are so many variables that can trigger an illness.  Often, for spiritual people, an illness reflects a clearing that they are ready for; meaning that they have reached a point that they can clear energy from their body that they have been carrying for a lifetime perhaps.  It may be clearing from past lives.  Very few people are so spiritually advanced that they create a shield from illness.  But they can handle an illness better than if they were spiritually ignorant.  And healing is about understanding spirit and using it practically.

TM: Does prayer help?

Master Jesus: Yes it does.  But really the person who is ill must have a will to heal or nothing is going to heal him or her.  Healing begins within.  External assistance then accelerates healing by strengthening that which already exists and is in motion.  There are some excellent studies addressing these claims.

TM: What’s happening in cases where the ill person wants to heal and his family and friends are praying for healing, yet he dies anyway?

Master Jesus: Again, you’re asking a very specific hypothetical question that really is impossible to answer.  I know you want to know these things and yet I can’t provide the answers.  This puts the burden on you to investigate for yourself in these very specific cases.

TM: How would I do that?

Master Jesus: Truly know the person fitting the description above.  Do you really know what is in his heart?  Do you know what is fear of death and what is true yearning to live?  Do you know the guilt one feels as one nears death, and that it is at times unbearable?  Do you know the longing for a life fulfilled and whether he is satisfied this is done, or there is more to be accomplished?  Is there a gentle acceptance of death?  Does he feel the pull of loved ones to keep him in this life for their sake?  You must ask these questions and many more to fully understand an individual case.

TM: Are natural disasters prompted by humanity’s decisions too?

Master Jesus: Humanity has an impact on the environmental well-being of Earth.  Weather patterns are most affected by humanity’s impact as the population grows.  Earth is a living entity and as such has its own physical responses to that life that will occur with or without the presence of humanity.  Earthquakes for example are purely geologic events.  Global warming though is largely caused by humanity’s impact, but in other times has been naturally occurring.  So while humanity must take responsibility for its impact on the health of the planet, it is in your own best interest to do so for your health.  You are not separate from Earth.

TM: I know I’m asking questions out of the realm of education and religion, but I’m curious.

Master Jesus: I can speak on a number of topics, but I will bring it back to spirituality.  This is the time for education to take center stage; otherwise, the age of synthesis will be missing parts to compose the whole picture.  Humanity must see the whole picture.

TM: There are a lot of new spiritual books, conferences and workshops.  Are they right in what they teach?  Some of them seem to contradict other teachings, or at least present diverse ways of accomplishing the same end.  How do we know which ones are accurate?

Master Jesus: Choose the ones that feel right for you.  There is so much diversity because there is diversity among humans.  Do you really believe for a moment there is one right way for everyone?  At the same time, while you are choosing the right method for yourself, allow others to do the same.  Blend your way with others.  Any method that teaches that it is the only way is the one to avoid.

TM: We’re such social creatures though; we like to belong by identifying with sets of values.  But then we make the mistake of thinking our way is superior and we want everyone to follow that way.  If we could accept what you are suggesting I can see how it would work.  I don’t see how to undo what is done.

Master Jesus: It will be undone by substituting a new understanding; the one we’re discussing; one that allows each person to select his or her inspiration without judgment or ridicule.  The social connection must be viewed from the perspective of identification with the whole of humanity rather than the provincial identification.  This is happening already within many circles and it will expand with time.

Ancient civilizations could not imagine human organizations spanning the entire world- they had no definition of the entire world beyond what they could see, and what they could see was limited.  This civilization sees into the universe and yet still suffers the myopic view of its own insular world made up of petty prejudices and grievances.  This will change.  It will change because of a disaster that will create an environment that forces unity, or it will occur because of an enlightened populace.  You choose.

© TM 2015

Conditions On Earth (Part 2): Jesus and TMichael

Conditions on Earth Part 2,
Conditions on earth part 2

Conversation with Jesus and TMichael: Conditions on Earth (Part 2)

TM: Let’s say I’m sufficiently confused.  A story without a beginning or an ending is unimaginable to me.  It defies our understanding of science, our framework for history, drama, literature, everything.  But do continue.

Master Jesus: You know when business innovators tell you to think outside the box?  This is one of those times.  Only I’m not so much a business innovator as I am a spiritual innovator working with life concepts that happen to include business.

Humans are organized energy, as are plants, minerals, animals, oceans, atmosphere and every living thing on this planet and in this universe.  The pattern that forms the visible form is one part to be understood, the creator of the pattern, another, and the energy itself yet another.  Most humans are not aware (except some scientists and philosophers who at least explore this thesis) of these basic concepts and therefore lack understanding of their origins and motivation for living.  In short, they don’t know where they came from, where they’ve been or where they are going, or why as a species they are on this journey.  They do, however, desire to know at some point in their lifetimes, but usually it’s on their deathbeds.  There’s not much time to explore the meaning of life at that point.

It is much easier to let the storytellers create tales that have a beginning, middle and end.  That’s logical and neat.  But that isn’t the way it is, only the way it has been told to pacify humans.  Parents do this with their children.  Spirits have done this with humans.  It is time to undo this.  It is time to lift the veil and reveal things as they are.

I am the Master Jesus, as you know me.  But my indwelling spirit is not of this world as I have stated.  What does that mean?  It means what I said; my indwelling spirit is not of this world—Earth.  Neither is yours.  For that matter, neither is it the case for any human on Earth.  No living spirit is of this world.  The human forms were created here and are of this world and will die here and return to the stuff of their origins.

The indwelling spirits shall return to their places of origin.  Many spirits have journeyed here repeatedly for millions of years, even though you would reckon human history in the thousands of years, I tell you it is much longer than you can imagine.  The patterns for all forms visible to you now are not identical to ones that have existed here before now.  The patterns change, as does the composition of energy that fills the patterns.  The creators of the patterns and the energy change as well.  So you see all things change.

The originating points for the indwelling spirits are manifold in the millions.  Humans ponder the prospects of alien life visitors when in fact your very essence of spirit is precisely that.  There are indeed physical-form, alien life visitors who frequently come to Earth.  They are no more or less spectacular than you.  As a matter of fact they think you are pretty spectacular; that’s why they visit Earth.  They are advanced in ways that you are not; mainly in scientific terms.  But it is only necessary for you to accept your far-flung origins to accept the presence of others here from points far and wide.  There are spirits who are in forms invisible to humans who visit here and have done so for millions of years.  They leave clues of their presence, but very few humans pay attention.

It’s okay if you don’t know about these things.  Now is the time to learn.  Learn about yourselves and from where you have come.  You will know me as a teacher, as I have always been.  I will tell you about yourselves and assist you in learning how to live together in peace. Despite your long history of conflict and wars, it is now time for peace.  The observations of others in the universe are focused on this point—can the humans of Earth live in peace, or will they slide further into unmitigated conflict that will destroy life.  It’s the question we asked and humans will answer it with their choice.

TM: When you talk about beings from other planets, it sounds like, well, no offense, but it sounds kind of out there.  Crackpot comes to mind.

Master Jesus: Of course it does.  Humans have created a story of denial around this fact.  You should have seen how difficult it was to reverse the story that the sun and the planets of this solar system revolved around Earth.  It wasn’t just the clergy who held onto this story. Remember our opening to this conversation?  When enough people hold a belief with enough emotional force for long enough, then it becomes unshakeable truth.  Your governments, and I mean all of them as the leaders of the world, know about these things to some degree.  They have taken the position that it is better to keep a lid on this because it would destroy the story and the world would collapse into chaos. There comes a point however when there are enough experiences outside the boundaries of the story that the story has to shift.  Now is that time.  The story is changing just as it did when the proper order of the solar system was revealed.  Crackpot is actually a very appropriate name.  The pot will be cracked, shattered more likely.  The contents will be revealed.  Your government leaders who have kept secret this information initially feared chaos, now they fear massive anger by the populace for them withholding this information and denying they were doing so for so long.  Remember the denials have been going on for many decades.

TM: I don’t believe there will be so much anger as there will be curiosity for answers and if the governments will be forthcoming, people will quickly get past the anger.

Master Jesus: Therein lies a problem for your world leaders.  They have so mismanaged this situation that they fear anger coupled with complete loss of confidence will result in their loss of power.  Chaos, they believe, will ensue.  Once people realize that their power has been held in place by major deceptions, people will revolt and overthrow the governments.  They have been informed that their containment of this information shall be pierced and that is why events are unfolding they way they are at this time.  They are scrambling to cover themselves.

TM: All of this seems far a field from what you usually teach.  What happened to the render unto Caesar approach?

Master Jesus: We’ll get to that.  As I said earlier, things change. Everything changes.  This includes what is being taught and the methods of teaching.  Humans have assumed, wrongly, that they are the only ones affected by their decisions.  This is the egocentric aspect of the story.  First, the story must be enlarged to include everyone and everything affected by decisions.  Then everyone must be given a voice in those decisions.  Those of us working from the side of spirit are here to ensure this happens.  From that point, humans in their dominant position will decide the fate of Earth and all living things on Earth. That will be judgment day.

TM: Why is humanity in the dominant position to make such a decision and doesn’t that contradict what you said about everyone having a voice?

Master Jesus: There is no contradiction.  Humanity was given this prerogative under conditions of fairness and full understanding of all points of view.  The struggle as you can see is between factions of humanity who believe they have the right understanding.  This will have to be resolved and will be soon.

TM: Back to the alien visitor part—when will we learn more about this?  Why can’t these aliens make direct contact with the general populace?  By going through corrupt leaders, it seems they are in league with them to perpetuate a deception for the general population.

Master Jesus: Despite what you may think, there has been very little direct contact between alien visitors and government leaders.  If you can realize that there are mischievous visitors among the ranks of aliens as there are among humans.  The most contact has been from that group and your leaders have rightly observed their dishonesty.  Secrecy and fear and the power accrued to those in the know has blocked the process up to this point.  But as I indicated earlier, this is about to change.  Those visitors who are here to assist in the fulfillment of humanities’ role are notifying the government leaders of their intent to communicate with the general population of Earth.

TM: Aren’t you and others violating that protocol by revealing this to me and thereby to others who may read this?

Master Jesus: This revelation through this method is how it is to unfold.  That has been conveyed to the leaders.  There will be a gradual unfolding.

© TM 2015

For Conditions on Earth Part 1 click here.