Tag Archives: be

Service By BEing not Doing: Buddha with Zoe

Be to serve, not do, Northern stones
BE to serve, not do

Conversations with Zoe and Buddha: Service By BEing not Doing

Buddha: It has been a while since you engaged with me Zoe. Your life has been taken up by self and selfless work and action. As you, and others like you, work to bring yourself into harmony with All that is, it becomes easier for others. Those of you doing this now are like pioneers; trailblazers who walk a path that allows others to walk after you. How does this work? By BEing, you energetically entrain others that coexist/coincide with you physically as well as through the remit of your work. You, and others, need not DO anything other than allow that which is existing in your space and time to BE and eventually flow from you.

There will be others who will read this and recognize this in themselves. This is good. I say to you, you do not need to DO anything with this unless urged from within. You need to worship the sacred, the eternal, the vivacity of life. It is by living and doing that, that you do the same service as others who lift humanity through their physical daily actions and work. So let us be clear on this. There is just you and your honoring of that BEing, that space within. Give it life, honor and respect and you do your spiritual work as you occupy your time on earth whatever your physical deed and action.

This is all.

© Zoe 2015

Worry: Jesus with Zoe

Worry, https://conversationswithjesusandbuddha.com/worry-jesus-with-zoe/

Conversation with Jesus and Zoe: Worry

Jesus: Worry wastes life force, distracts you from understanding the true nature of all that is you and all that surrounds you.  Let worry drop from your mind and permit it to drop from the minds of those surrounding you.  Letting go of worry will help those of you who want to find me.  I am the simple, the eternal: I never worry.  All is well.  Let go of the worry and join me.

© Zoe 2015